Dreissea's Story (An Animorphs Fanfic)

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8:34pm Nov 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 220

I've been taking part in an Animorphs role-play lately, and re-reading the books, and it has prompted me to start my own fanfic to put some background behind my character, which I am playing in the rpg.

Her full name is Dreissea-Escalion-Serith, and she is an Andalite.  She has been trapped on Earth, and watched her own father die.  She is one of the few female Andalites to ever be granted a position among other Andalite arisths.  This will be her story, told in her own words.

Start of the story will be soon to come.  I need to properly plan my first post first.


7:49pm Nov 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 220

He was disappointed that day....my father....the day of my birth.  My father had wanted a strong male son, but he had been given a daughter.  He could have trained his son to be a strong aristh, and then a warrior...perhaps even a Prince like him someday, but no, he had been given a daughter.  What made matters worse, was when my mother, already tired from giving birth too early, started hemorraging.  There was nothing my father could have done.  He was a warrior, not a healer, and my mother could not morph.  Female Andalites were very rarely granted a warrior's ablility to morph.  My father was now alone with me...the daughter he never wanted.

He tells me that he had made his decision the same night I had been born.  Grieved by the death of his life-mate, his shorm, my father figured that he had nothing to lose.  He would raise me as if I were son.  He would secretly teach me the rituals of a warrior, and train me in the ways of combat.  I would be the son he could never have.

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