Diary of MowMow.

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4:32am Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 6:39am Apr 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,576
Hi, I'm MowMow, aged 16
And I'm Cocon, MowMow's younger Brother.
=D <= this is the usual thing printed on my face. Not like most unhappy, violent and lonesome teenagers, I am happy, gentle and popular. Why? Because I am one of the only Myotis starring in their owner's own story.
Well, I'm starting school tomorrow. I wonder what will happen for me, MowMow Silverwing.
At ResHigh,  Monday, today, was chaotic. Two albino verams scurried past, gossiping on the students. " Did you see Machasi Coolash? He's like so hot :O " said one, Misaki. "Yeah. He's in Cl*censored* 4 A , I heard?" said the other, Miyako. The two scurried away as they heard the bell ring. I did the same. 
Plonking my belongings on a desk, the teacher walked in. She was a tall blonde Paor. She held up an apple, polished it, and set it down on the table. She introduced, "Hi, Cl*censored* 4A. I am your teacher, Miss Blondekiss. Welcome to ResHigh." We bowed and said,"Good morning Miss Blondekiss."
I turned my head to the left. There I saw a soft black face with red eyes. His uniform was straight and the name on the tag read, " Machasi Coolash" I was shocked. Was I sitting with the school hottie, or whatever they called him? Easlyn, my best friend, tapped me on my shoulder. She was a natural Iluvu. "MowMow? Are you there? Or swooning over Mach..." she giggled. I blushed. 
It's Recess. Machasi had just asked me to go for Recess with him. No, not the school Romeo. He can't just ask me, MowMow Silverwing, a normal girl, for a day out. What will be the impression? He's rich X3
Recess is over. >C
Science lesson :D Im a science Whiz. They all say so.
Easlyn is sitting next to me now. Teacher moved us. >C Now the school knows Machasi has just gotten me to be with him during Recess. D:
We got our textbooks and slammed paper into our files. Nothing fun. But a paperplane came whizzing through the air. It was from Isobe. He was in love with Mirandal, a natural Myotis, but he was too shy to ask her out. Isobe is my brother. I cant leave him like that.
 School just ended.
New message from Machasi
I laid on my bed. What? How did he get my number? :O Must be Easlyn. But I read the text. Mushy ><
"Dear MowMow,
My heart is stolen by you,
and I , without my heart, feels so lonely and blue.
Will you return it to me , I plead,
and also join me, and run at great speeds?
I was confused. I laid back in bed and went to sleep . School tomorrow. 

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