Daisuki's Free Writing Commissions

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1:46pm Jun 6 2014 (last edited on 1:26pm Aug 25 2014)

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Posts: 709
Free Writing Commissions 

What I've decided to do is make commissions for stories for your pet and customize pet pages.  You fill out the form below I create a story. I guess I wasn't clear when I wrote the deion the first time but here's how it works you fill out the form, I write the story post it here, and then you make sure it's okay and then I'll ask you send you're creatu to customize your pet page. If you aren't comfortable sending your creatu I will send you a code via rmail. I can only do backgrounds thought. If you just want the story I can edit so it looks nice on your pet page. 

Also, now doing poems. ^_^

Examples: http://www.rescreatu.com/petpages/index.php?id=2587323


SB AD: [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/arts/writing/daisuki-039-s-free-writing-commissions/~page/1/] Free writing commissions. :)

Writing/Poem Form


Creatu name:

Main Idea: 

Background Picture(optional):

Additional Information:

Finished Commissions:

Ruru13's Chistota- http://www.rescreatu.com/petpages/index.php?id=2596774


6:55pm Jun 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 5,542
Hey Dai.. I'll be your first person ^^ The story was amazing so I might as well see if I can get one. lol :P

This is Chistota.. 

The main i guess idea of her story is that she was basically left alone because of the color of her fur. She was super bright in the forest she was born in and that led to predators targeting her since she was easy to see. She comes close to being attacked (you can pick any species of creatu) when she is saved by an ebilia with fur as dark as night. 

He makes sure she's okay before leading her back to a tree with large blood red leaves. Showing her that she isn;t alone and that sh doesn't have to be. 

Background I don't have much...


7:21am Jun 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 694
I would like a story for my beautiful albino Berrok Hatka. I would like a story from her POV about hatching from her egg and coming into the new world. :)


3:54pm Jun 9 2014

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Posts: 709
Inferno I just have a few questions. Do you want to be on her own or will she have a mother? 


10:24am Jun 10 2014 (last edited on 10:24am Jun 10 2014)

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Posts: 709


For now


3:38pm Jul 31 2014 (last edited on 3:38pm Jul 31 2014)

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Posts: 709



3:48pm Jul 31 2014

Normal User

Posts: 115

can I have a pet page about my albino zenerix moonflower plz

 -main story-

moonflower is the best warrior and one day his species has to survive by fighting the ebilias ,after  losing he retreat's to a house and settles down still regretting his past ...



time flys when your having fun

8:12am Aug 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 709
Moonflower, tired and weary sat down on his wooden rocking chair. The Albino Zenirix wasn't as young as he used to be. He regretted what he did in his youth to this day. 30 years ago when Moonflower was 20 he was the best warrior in all of Rescreatu. Ever since he was a young boy he loved to fight and that got him in trouble and landed him in the military.

After training he eventually became the leader of the military. He never lost a battle until one Halloween night. The sun was nearly down and then numerous amounts of ebilia soared over the city. Moonflower quickly shouted commands to his troops and sent them to attack. Ebilia swooped down and took Zenirix pups from every direction. He went to attack one but was stopped when I black Ebilia swooped down in front of him. 

There were too many of them. His troops would be outnumbered. He lunged at the Ebilia in front of him but it sidestepped out of the way and Moonflower rolled across the ground. Angry he growled at the menacing Ebilia and charged again. Anticipating the sidestep using the momentum of the charge he swung around the ebilia and bit down into it's ankle. The Ebilia screeched in complete agony. 

The other heard, what appeared to be their leader, screeching in pain. Ebilia from every direction surrounded him and attacked from every angle. Scratching, biting, and tearing at him. On the brink of death the flew off. Moonflower, looked around and the whole town was destroyed. Not a sign of life for miles around except him.

Moonflower sighed. Looking in the mirror the scars from his battle never seemed to fade away. He remembered his defeat and regretted that he was the best warrior and couldn't protect his people. A failure.

(Here you go coolgirl99. I hope you like it. If you see anything you want to fix or change just tell me.)


8:34am Aug 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 756
Creatu: Rose Gondra

Creatu name: Drake

Main Idea:  Plotline- Short story about the fate of a skilled warrior who, after defeating one large Taurus demon, met his fate with this Red Drake. 

Background Picture(optional):

Additional Information: 
Drake is based off a mini-boss from the game Dark Souls. It's a gigantic Red Drake that sits at the end of a bridge and breathes fire down the bridge once you walk too far. If you walk further than that, it flies off its perch and lands on the bridge, either killing you with one blow by striking you with its claw, or sweeping you off the bridge with its tail. For this one I think the ideal ending would be a "trailing off ending" such as "waiting for his next victim..."

If you like to go into details about characters-


5:17am Aug 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 115

thx sooooooooooo much it is awesome :D

time flys when your having fun

6:03am Aug 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 709
You're welcome.


5:25pm Aug 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 349
Creatu: Black Tesuri

Creatu name: Zaivier

Main Idea: Just a short story on his life. Zaivier was abandoned as a child. He had to learn to fend for himself and find food without any help. As he grows older he wishes for a companion or friends. However he later finds someone in the woods who now lives happily ever after together :3


5:23pm Aug 11 2014

Normal User

Posts: 709
My dearest apologies to Wolf and Lovergirll. I will not be able to do your commissions until further notice because I've got writer's block. I am deeply sorry to keep you both waiting.


6:34am Aug 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 756
That's fine take your time, it happens to the best of us :>


4:02pm Aug 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 349
mhm Take your time :) I don't mind the wait :3


11:22am Aug 19 2014

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Posts: 709
On a foggy day in Atquati a pack of Tesuri flew through the air. A particularly young Tesuri surely did not know what was going to come. His name was Zaivier and he had a luminous black coat. Just then all the Tesuri stopped and looked at Zaivier with darkness in their eyes. Then he was grabbed by the scruff of his neck and was thrown downwards to what seemed to be oblivion. Zaivier was still young and wasn't very experienced with flying let alone did he know how to fly when falling. He spread out his wings but he was too late. He crashed into a tree and then landed hard on the ground.

Just as he got up he was face to face with an angry Ahea. The Ahea screeched at him and went to bite him. He would've almost completely dodged it but it snagged his ear taking a piece of it. The Ahea turned around and walked away. Zaivier pawed at his bleeding ear and kept walking. Zaivier didn't understand what happened. He was so young and he was violently abandoned by those who were close to him. Zaivier tried not to focus on it he needed food and a place to sleep. After walking for two hours he reached some water. Zaivier wondered where he was. He turned around and realized he was at the Atqueen forest. All sorts of creatu reside here.

He turned back around and drank some water. Then a fish jumped out over head then back in the water. Food! Zaivier thought. He looked at the water intensely and waited for something to swim past in the water. After a few moment of keep completely still something swam by. Zaivier lunged his head into the water and bit down. He felt something slimy in his mouth and brought it out. It was a fish! Zaivier swallowed it whole and laid down happily. He licked his lips and fell asleep.

Two years passed and Zaivier was a strong adolescent but he grew lonely. He desperately wanted a friend. He sighed as he spent another day fishing for his next meal. While he was waiting he saw a shadow cast over him. He turned around ready to fight. Zaivier's expresion softened  when he saw what it was. "No need to be startled." Said the creatu that was standing in front  if Xavier. "What are you?" He asked. "I'm a valabex. What are you?" The Valabex asked curiously. "I'm a Tesuri. My names is Zaivier, yours?" The valabex sat down. "My name is Meela." she said putting a hoof to her chest before resting it back down. 

Soon Zaivier and Meela became best of friends. Zavier taught her how to hunt fish and Meela showed him the cool places of the forest. Together they lived happily ever after. 


10:48am Aug 26 2014

Normal User

Posts: 306


2:36pm Sep 5 2014

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Posts: 14
Creatu: mutant chimby

Creatu name: misslovercuddle

Main Idea: picked on by non mutant chimby

Background Picture(optional):

Additional Information: has made friends with my amber mutant tesuri

10:33am Nov 1 2014

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Posts: 709


10:35am Nov 1 2014

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Posts: 709


Writing commissions are up and running again for now until Wednesday. Even if you don't have a developed idea for a story of creatu please be as detailed as you can. 

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