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12:49am Dec 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9
My life is a total nightmare. I may be one of the most important creatu in all of rieflem be I ate my job. I step on a sharp silver rock and my paw is bleeding. I spread the blood on a rock but it still doesn't stop. The agony is horrible. My teeth glint off the dull fiery moon as I howl and screech. I need to hurry before the rouges come or they will rip me piece by piece. And when I mean rouges I mean the ebilas. Those horrible, no good cat like zombies are extremely ugly and brutal. I lick up some of the blood off my paw. It tastes putrid and bitter but I must lick until it stops bleeding. It is still not stopping! I need to run ti my clan! Wait, I smell ebila dung close by. That is not a good sign since their is a treaty line. If one of the species crosses then me get to assassinate it. Whether it be kit or warrior. I follow the scent and find the lump of dung before my left front paw. It is fresh. About thirty minutes old. I must find the ebila and kill it no matter what. My clan is in danger and I must do it. 

I get to my den at the edge of my clan and order the medicine creatu to come in. He talks while he painfully stitches the cut."So ma wife just had a new litter of pups. Good strong pups to, they will make fine, strong young warriors." he woofs as he sticks the last stitch in. I hardly listen because I am in to much pain." oh Thats nice umm what are their names McFlury. And how many pups."I sigh, licking out of a broken ice pack. The water is cool and refreshing."Dashy,Lasher,Trouble,Fire,Daisy, Magenta and Race." I murmurer under my breath words in a different language so he cant listen or know what I am talking about."Good night Princess Roxy." he calls in as I lie motionless on my blankets of otchie hide and roditore ears. I lie there for a moment dreaming about my life and how I will end my life. But the fact is that I am immortal unless I battle the person I love and fail to win. I close my eyes and drift off into a deep slumber.

I like veram and ezahni and
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