Broken Bond.

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7:15am Mar 24 2010

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Posts: 1,576

I was the teen of the house- the 'noble one old enough to care for younger ones', the one with the most c*censored*s to do.

My name's Melis and I was bought for a price of 500tu. I was brought in to Twint's house at the age of 19, with five younger siblings- Folgore, Tasumie, Linling, Tiffie and Samayotta. 

Samayotta was known as Sam- whose egg was abandoned in the Trash Isthmus. He was born with a special tribal birthmark- a small desert mouse birthmark beside his left eye. He's born the day I was brought in.

Tiffie is a black intes. Her name's short for Tiffany, but it was not 'unique'. Tiffany is also quite moody with her broken crayons.

 Linling is a cream berrok- the joy of Twint's eyes. Rather clumsy, I say.

Folgore was given by Twint's friend- Jesslovesluke07 as a cream Tesuri.

Tasumie- a sepia Tesuri- faster than the other Tesuri.

to be ocntinued 


9:39pm Mar 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,282
little short


7:15am Mar 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 32
TwilightRules, do you understand the meaning of 'to be continued'?

The longing, the yearning, when can it be fulfilled?
The sadness, the loneliness, when can it ebb away?
The anger, the fire, when can it be quenched?
The happiness, the blissfulness, when can I be touched?
When can I be washed clean, and start afresh again?
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