A Story Idea ^^

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8:24pm Nov 11 2009

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Sorry 'bout the long wait everyone.  I kinda hit a writer's block, and took a break from the story.  I'l post the next chapter when it's finished.

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

4:52pm Nov 12 2009 (last edited on 4:52pm Nov 12 2009)

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Posts: 6,216


The longer you think, the better it'll be, righttttt? ;o;


6:49pm Nov 12 2009

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D:  Let's hope.  *typetypetype*

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

6:47pm Nov 13 2009

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Posts: 302
love it girl


9:03pm Nov 23 2009

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Chapter 8~


       Aaron just sat there for a moment, just drinking in the moment.  After a few minutes, he got up.

          “Let’s go,” he told Danielle, offering her his hand.  He didn’t miss the tears that welled up in her eyes.  This had to be a lot for her to take on, especially on such short notice.


          Tentatively taking his hand, she stood up.  All grace, all beauty, she gripped his hand firmly, yet with a hint of her delicateness.

          “My car’s outside,” he stated dumbly after a while.  Danielle nodded and let go of his hand, walking towards the door.  Aaron followed quietly, and then took the lead as they went out into the hallway.  He paused, slowly and thoroughly scenting the air for any hint of danger.


          When he finally decided it was safe to go out, he put a hand on Danielle’s back to guide her forward.  She tensed a bit, but relaxed soon as he led her to the stairwell.  As they made their way down the steps, Aaron caught a whiff of something…  Like a bird, but somehow tainted.  Unnatural.  Like a shifter’s scent.

          “Go,” he growled quietly to Danielle, surprised by how gruff his words seemed.  She nodded quietly, taking on a gait similar to that of a trot.  Aaron followed soon after, sometimes skipping stairs in his haste.  He could have easily jumped down flights at a time, but he refused to risk Danielle’s safety.


          When they reached the cold asphalt parking lot, Aaron hustled Danielle towards the car like a stallion might do with his mares.  She pulled open the p*censored*enger seat and sat inside.  Aaron quickly followed, putting the car into drive and getting the heck out of there.


Sorry for the long wait, everyone.  D':  I've been kinda putting it off, as well as working on other stories.  It's still pretty loose and unfinished, but hey, what else is editing for?  ;D


Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

9:11pm Nov 27 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Lol niccely done. Nicely done.

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

6:35pm Nov 28 2009

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Posts: 2,962
Thanks.  :3  I've noticed my chapters are getting shorter, but I feel the need to keep writing.  I'll probably go back and revise my chapters to make them a lot longer.  .-.  I was begining to think that people has forget about this.

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8:47pm Nov 28 2009

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Posts: 6,216
Omg, no. D8 I just...neglected the writing forums.  They're the most active forums.  I can imagine some big animal leaping on the car and trying to grap Danielle after shattering the windsheild.  Then Aaron would be all "HOMG" and save her. |D Lol, I like it.


10:38pm Nov 28 2009

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Posts: 5,310



More plz.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


2:41pm Dec 5 2009

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Posts: 2,962

Chapter 9~


          Danielle sat quietly in the car, contemplating.  What had just gone on back there?  One minute she was scared, and the next, she was being taken to somewhere by a stranger.


          Not a stranger, she amended, Aaron.  But what could she trust about him, and what should she be wary of?  Danielle simply didn’t know, and that alone was enough to scare her.


          She sighed absently, running her fingers through her hair.  The long blond strands unraveled themselves from the confines of her ponytail, like she wished she could do with this mess.  Just yesterday, she had had a normal life.  A life with friends and family.  A life that was perfect.  Now, she had nothing.  Except Aaron.  Maybe.  Danielle sighed again and leaned against the seat, closing her eyes.

          “You okay?”  Danielle jumped, startled by Aaron’s question.

          “I suppose,” she answered softly, shifting uncomfortable.

          Aaron gave her a look that said he didn’t believe her, but didn’t question her more.  Instead, he said simply, “We’re almost here.”


          Danielle nodded tiredly, then let herself sink into the soft leather seat, as her mind faded into the black oblivion of sleep.



          The car stopped with a jolt, causing Danielle to jump and let out a small cry of fear.


          Aaron look over at her and said soothingly, “Don’t worry, you’re fine.  We’re here.”


          He go tout of the car and moved to open the door for her, but Danielle leaped out of her seat and opened it herself.  Shivering in the cool autumn air, she rubbed her arms to ward off the goose bumps.  Aaron came to stand beside her, protective warmth she knew she could trust.  She relaxed slightly and let Aaron lead her into the house.


          Danielle looked at the house they had arrived at.  It was a pale sage green color, with white shutters, lining, and doors.  The front yard was neat and tidy, with rosemary growing into a protective wall in front of the yard, tall enough to block the house from prying eyes.  A fence backed the bushes, giving a sense of security, and lush green lawn was almost glowing with emerald light, despite the cold weather.


          Aaron rapped lightly on the door, waiting a few moments before the br*censored* handle on the door turned and let them into the house.


          The inside of the house was nothing less than breathtaking.  It had an elegant, modern touch to it, with a hint of old style to it.  Danielle looked around for a moment, and then let her eyes rest on the occupant of the house.


          She bit back an amazed gasp.  A slender woman, a little taller than Danielle, stood at the door.  Her skin was pale, and hair was as white as snow.  Danielle guessed she was an albino, and expected to meet crimson eyes, locked gazes with the woman.  Her eyes were amazing.  Deep and rich, they could never be mistaken for red.  One eyes was a deep, dazzling blue, and the other was a bright, leaf-colored green.  The woman smiled.


          “Danielle, this is Kita.  Kita, this is Danielle.” Aaron spoke softly.


          The women looked at each other for another moment, until Kita said warmly, “Nice to meet you Danielle.”


          They shook hands, and then Kit added, “Let me show you to your room.”


Tada....  :x

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1:19pm Dec 22 2009

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Posts: 2,962
Bump.  ^^

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5:19pm Dec 22 2009

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Chapter 10~


       Aaron watched Danielle quietly, tenderly.  She was sleeping, obviously exhausted from the day’s turn of events.  Not long ago she hadn’t known about him or his world.  And now, he had thrust it upon her, forcing her to understand and to accept.


          It wasn’t the way he had planned for it to go.  But now, as he watched her sleep, Aaron felt like everything would be okay.


          Raking a hand through his hair and muttering a curse, he turned on his heel and gently closed the door behind him.  Aaron went down the hallway and into the living room; sitting down on a couch opposite the one Kita was sitting on.  Her feet where resting on a crystalline coffee table in between them.  She looked up from her as he sat down, smiling in greeting.


          “You’ve been lucky this time, Aaron.  She is a good choice for your mate.”  Her voice dropped slightly as she hesitantly added, “Almost as good as Ella.  Perhaps even better.”


          As soon as the words were out of Kita’s mouth, Aaron reared back in shock.  Sure he had thought about it…but he could never take Danielle as his mate.  After Ella, he had sworn never again.  Never.


          Looking at Kita, he shook his head and muttered, “No.  I’m not going to bring her into this.  I think something is going down, Kita.  We were being followed at the motel we were at.  And you know I haven’t been a member—even *censored*ociated with them, for a very long time.”


          Kita looked taken aback.  “What?”


          Aaron nodded.  “You heard me.  And I’m not bringing Danielle into this.”


          She stared numbly for a moment, and then nodded.  “You shouldn’t, I agree.  But,” Kita paused for a moment, and then said, “You should know that they were destroyed.  A long time ago.  Aaron, there isn’t a way to go back to it…unless you bring those who survived, or quit before the m*censored*acre back together again.”


          “Why didn’t you tell me?” Aaron asked, his anger sharpened by shock and fear.  “They…  they’re gone?”


          Kita nodded.  “I’m sorry, Aaron.  I thought you knew, otherwise I would have told you…” she said quietly.


          Aaron nodded thoughtfully.  So it was up to him.  Looking at Kita, he asked quietly, “Will you care for Danielle, Kita?  I…I would take her with me, but it’s too dangerous and—“


          “Yes, Aaron.  I’ll care for her as long as you need me to.”


          Aaron breathed out a sigh of relief.  “Thank you.  I’m forever in your debt, Kita.”


          She laughed softly.  “Don’t mention it, Aaron.  Now go,” she motioned towards the door, “You have much work to do.”


          Aaron nodded and after giving Kita a quick hug, headed towards the door.  “Oh, and Kita?”




          “Thank you.  I mean it.”


          And then he headed off, shifting forms for the journey that was ahead of him.

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6:38pm Dec 22 2009

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Posts: 5,310


O_o But what happened? It says something about the others, but you never elaborated on it!



More please!

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:32pm Dec 22 2009

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Posts: 2,962

It's supposed to be mysterious, Dragon.  ^^  It's going to be elaborated upon in the next chapter.

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5:39pm Dec 23 2009

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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:07pm Dec 28 2009

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Posts: 2,962

Chapter 11~


       Danielle yawned and stretched sleepily, wondering where she was.  As she took in the strange surroundings, she remembered.  She remembered Aaron, how her life would no longer be the same, and Kita.  Thinking of the latter, she climbed out of bed in a wobbly state, a bit dazed.


          She walked down the hall and stopped at the living room, seeing Kita.  The woman in question put down the novel she had been engrossed in and smiled at Danielle.  Danielle smiled sheepishly back, and walked a little further into the living room, hesitant.


          “Come in, Danielle.  I won’t bite.” Kita’s voice was soft, yet Danielle easily caught the silken, rich syllables that were beautiful, inhuman.


          Danielle blushed and sat down.  “Thank you for housing Aaron and I,” said Danielle sincerely.


          Kita looked up, surprise flitting across her pale, beautiful features.  “Of course,” she said.  “Aaron is my kin, you know.”


          Danielle nodded.  “He told me you were his cousin… a wolf shifter?”


          Kita nodded this time, and smiled.  “I see he trusts you.”


          Danielle did her best to shrug casually, but knew she failed miserably.  “I suppose so.  By the way, where is he?”


          Kita frowned for a moment, and Danielle thought she wasn’t going to answer.  Her blue and green eyes filled with a troubled essence, but she did speak.  “He had to go, Danielle.”


          Alarm filled her.  She hadn’t even gotten a chance to say goodbye.  Had he meant to do that?  Did he never want to see her again?  Probably.  After all, she was only…human.

          “W-Why?” Danielle asked softly, unable to keep the hurt out of her voice.


          “He went… to go *censored*emble a group that he was once a part of.  He had to go immediately, and he didn’t have time to tell you… He’s really sorry, Danielle.”


          Danielle nodded slowly.  “Okay, I guess that…sort of makes sense.  Um, what group?”  She asked hesitantly.


          Kita sighed and looked at her in a way that could have meant anything.  “I’ll tell you, Danielle, but I don’t think you’ll like it.”


          Though she was taken aback by Kita’s grim answer, Danielle nodded.  “Tell me.”


          Kita gave a small nod, and began.  “Aaron’s—our kind—lives for a very long time.  We are immortal, actually.  So, we have both lived a very long time.


          “A long time back, centuries ago, Aaron was part of a group called The Shifters.  They were warriors of steel and grace, and protected the rest of the shape-shifter population from Silas Finche and those like him.”


          Danielle nodded, understanding, but not entirely believing.  She didn’t want to think that Aaron could have been a warrior at any time in his life.


          Kita took a deep breath, and continued.  “There were many sworn to this group, a vow unlike any other, that bound your life an duty to them, unless you quit, died, or were exiled.  The first of which happened to Aaron.


          “He fell in love, with a beautiful maiden named Ella.  He quit The Shifters to be with her.  They were bonded but Silas Finche killed her in an attempt to ruin Aaron.  And in ways, it did ruin him.


          “He left his old life behind, cut off all contacts, and went loose.  I would hear of something he had done—he never truly forgot his time with The Shifters, doing good—but he would never tell anyone personally.  He lived on his own, a loner, doing justice.  Then, he was captured in his dog form and brought to the pound.  We all thought it was the end—at least of his sanity.  And then…well, and then you, Danielle.  You opened his eyes and made him realize that he could love again.  That everything wasn’t lost.  You saved him, Danielle.”

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3:07pm Dec 28 2009

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>.<  I couldn't think of anything better then "The Shifters."  I'm totally open to ideas.  ^^

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3:09pm Dec 28 2009

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Posts: 6,216
I have the sudden urge to go to the dog pound and get my own Aaron. owo


3:15pm Dec 28 2009

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Posts: 2,962
Lol.  >.<  I actually got the inspiration from my dog Copper, and my love for Nova-Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers, as well as Golden Retrievers.

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3:16pm Dec 28 2009

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Posts: 6,216
We can't get a dog because of allergies. ;-;

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