A Folk Tale from Reiflem

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12:52am Sep 28 2012 (last edited on 12:57am Sep 28 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 109

Eh. I wrote this a long time ago. I don't think I ever posted it. Hope people like it, anyway.

Long, long ago, when there were no
portals and creatu were new to the land, there lived two brothers.
The older was named Otachie, and he spent his days enjoying the
sunshine, flying in lazy circles through the warm air. The younger
brother was an ambitious, passionate young creatu named Ebilia, who
never gave up what he set out to do. They lived peacefully for a long
time, until the day Ebilia looked high into the sky and saw the
bright sun in a new light.

“O' Lovely Sun!” He cried out into
the sky. “You are so kind to us lowly creatu, who can do naught but
walk on this cruel, hot planet! Your light is warm, but it does not
burn, unlike the fires of this place we call home! Beautiful, kind,
Sun! Can I not live with you, in your land of eternal warmth and
kindness, instead of this harsh, barren world?”

The sun gave no reply; it only stared
down upon the land, as always.

'She must be too far away to hear
Ebilia thought to himself.
'I must fly up to meet her. Otachie is wonderful at flying;
I shall ask him to help me.'

Otachie had been sleeping peacefully next to the cave he and Ebilia
called home. He jumped with a yowl when his younger brother jumped
upon his tail to wake him. Tail stinging, he turned to hiss at his
impulsive brother, but was stopped before he could.

my brother, dear brother, won't you help me fly to the Sun to ask of
her a favor?” Ebilia begged. “I do not know if my wings will
carry me that far, but I have something I must ask!”
chose to humor his foolish brother. “Of course I will help you,
dear brother. Shall we set off right away?” He tried to hide his
amusement; everyone knew you could not speak to the sun! Still,
Ebilia seemed perfectly serious.

taken care of all their preparations, the two brothers spread their
wings and took off into the sky. Higher and higher they flew, higher
than any other creatu had flown before! They left behind the cracked
ground, the blazing fires, and the ashen clouds! The more they flew,
the warmer the air became, and soon, Otachie could feel his fur
beginning to singe. He had been foolish to come on this journey with
Ebilia, and it would be even more foolish not to turn back right
away. He knew this now. Without a word, he let himself drop from the

Otachie finally landed safely upon Reiflem, he realized something was
amiss. He looked at himself as best he could, from wing to tailtip,
and found his fur had lost it's spectacular white color. The sun's
burning rays had burned his fur to a dark brown, and left his wings a
bright angry red. He supposed he was lucky. If he had kept flying,
who knew what terrible things could have befallen him? With that
thought, he suddenly turned his head to the sky. How could he have
forgotten? How could he be so selfish?

flew on tirelessly, not even realizing his brother had left him. The
heat was nearly unbearable, even for a creatu born on the flaming
planet of Reiflem. He could feel his fur burning away, but it would
all be worth it in the end, so long as he could speak to the sun.
Here, here he was! He could fly no farther, so he shouted out to the
sun from where he was.

Lovely Sun!” He began, “Please, allow me to stay with you! You
are so kind, so giving! Please, I beg you!”
sun did not reply. It only stared down at him, bright and burning,
far more cruel up close than far away. Ebilia could feel the heat
burn through fur and flesh, leaving nothing but bones. He stayed
there, high in the sky, speaking to the sun for as long as he could.
It was not long before his wings were burned through, and he lost his
ability to fly. With a choked sob, Ebilia fell back down to Reiflem
where he began.

what became of these foolish brothers?

this day, Otachie's descendants have brown fur and red wings. Well,
most of the time. As with all creatu, things change. Occasionally,
you may even spot an Otachie that kept the bright white fur of his
oldest ancestors.

was never seen again, though many have heard whispered tales of
skeletal beasts that fly silently through the night, always avoiding
the sun that betrayed their common ancestor. It is said that they
will only appear on the darkest night of the year, when other such
ghouls and monsters awaken, and will otherwise hide among the ashes.
But who knows? Perhaps one day, they will regain their lost pride and
play in the sunshine with their brothers once more.

i am incredibly lost right now

9:47pm Oct 9 2012


Posts: 1,585
I really liked the idea behind this, and thoroughly enjoyed the story ^^ Great job :)

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