~Unknown Showers~

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4:06am Apr 22 2010

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Chapter 1

"A daughter? Wonderful!" says Papa. I was just minutes old then, a young girl, yet another golden apple in his eyes. I was born into a joyful family of six, two of us which are girls. My two brothers were the boys, and my parents the other two.

Papa just loves us, and insists on picking 'lady' names for us. His brain was being racked- he wanted a beautiful name for me. I was the young Silver Tesuri in the pink blanket at Tesuria Hospital. My sisters were Easlyn and Isabellah. The black Zenirix thought hard, his wagging tail the only sign that he was alive. My mother, a natural Veram, cradled me joyfully. She kissed my forehead and said, "We'll name you Jazzmin." my father nodded, his thoughts disrupted. So there was I , Jazzmin  Synthia Zenitrix.

Chapter 2

I was three now, and , as usual, in my sisters' care. Easlyn was four, a year older, and Isabellah eight, five years older. They crowded around Mommy, whose tummy seemed like she slipped a ball under it. I prodded her tummy and felt a bump.

"Mommy, why did you kick me?" I said. My innocent voice was filled with hurt and sorrow. My mother laughed. "It's your sister, dear," she said. My two sisters were filled with surprise. "A sister?" they chorused.

Papa came home. When Mommy told him the news, his face lit up. "Pregnant? That's wonderful! When are you due, hun?"

Mommy said with a chuckle, "In a month."

And in a month, I was going to have a baby sibling.

Chapter 3

The cries jolted us awake. Not baby cries, but of joy. Who was it? Papa. He cries, "A girl! Foxed, I love you." My sister looked at me and smiled. Isabellah asked, "What's her name?" as the eldest, she spoke for three of us. Papa was prepared this time. "Alici." he says with pride as he bestowed the name to my younger sister, Alici Nyna Zenitrix. 

 I 'll continue tomorrow, guys. :]

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