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1:31am Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 2:33pm Apr 3 2010)

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Posts: 1,731
erased. c:


10:02am Mar 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 583

...Is this the story you were talking about? c: If not, then I'll just review anyways xD

Erm, sorry if it's a bit harsh or useless D8



“Why… why are you here? What do you want with me?”

I don't like this line being first. The mood it generates is rather cliche. Personally, I think stories with heavier moods like this one would actually be better starting with deion rather than with someone talking. It also gives a better indication of the tone of speech if you give deions of the current setting in my opinion. because imagine that line:

a) Lone car in park. Wet with the mist of the soon-to-come dawn and heavy showers. The only sound is the swish of window wipers and the ragged breathing of a girl, wracked with suspense.

b) A man stands in his office, confronted bya group of heavily armed thugs and a man he thought he would never see again. He's scared and can't understand why that man won't die.

c) A young japanese school girl is pulled away from the party by an enigmatic but oh-so-handome-that-he-could-possibly-be-a-girl-in-disguise cl*censored*mate. She is surprised because she didn't think he'd know her six-year-old cousin was having a birthday nor would a man who keeps being so mean to her at school would even be so strange as to pull her away from the party without a word. Cue cherry blossoms.

I think...I just went overboard there |D Pardon me, I have writer's block.

But that' why I like deion in front. And cherry blossoms. I think it would be better to move it below the paragraph below it.

Yeah, I think that's the only specific detail I'd like to point out. The rest would just summarise your whole work.

One of the things I'd disagree with, but it's more of a personal taste, is your choice of words. It's good you do use a nice selection of words but again phonetically, it's quite long-winded and again doesn't suit it sort of. Like I said (I say this about everything don't I? xD ) It's more of a personal preference I think because that's how I've always been about words.

and I hate the word growl now o___o; I blame some really bad writers. I'm sorry.

Now for your gooooaaal.

I will speak as a person who knows nothing about this fandom except what I've learnt from stalking the occasional glances at my friends' profiles and the first ten minutes of that transformers movie that I need to finish 8D

Plot-wise, it would be relatively easy to follow and I'm sure most people would get the gist. But again, it feels awkward at parts. I think it's sort of hard to pull off girl-talking-to-inanimate-objectand for me, it feel awkward. Speech-wise and overall imagining the mood and emotions that happen with the car. Sometimes the car's response to Ayre seems too heavily suggested and I think unless I know a lot about transformers, it'll seem hard to grasp? xD

I'll stop nitpicking now. Overall, good start c: I'm sure people would follow along this easily. I keep imagining your Xanthor though xD It's also what I'd feel to be a pretty tricky concept to do so what you have so far is not bad.

Also I might remind you I'm also in my own writing slump so anything I said might not be true 8D Because I can't come up with anythind decent and I'm too fussy.


11:30am Mar 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,731

Thankkkk yooouuu. C; <3
As much as I love your review, and always take them into consideration to make changes, I do find I disagree in some places.

Intro wise.
I don't exactly like the intro either.
But from showing this to other people, I've gotten more positive feedback. Or at least, it drew them in; they wanted to know why she was there, no matter how corny plzshootme the start was. Although I can guarantee that it will probably change as time continues... or whenever I look back at it. I guess I really want to pull people in, and if it's doing so you're not so tempted to change it, you know?

I also don't understand what you mean by Car's responses being to subjective. If you mean broad, and general, then I totally get you there and it can easily be that way. xD I suppose most of the translations come from Ayre's own belief about what he is saying, when he could have been saying something else. Or maybe he actually wasn't paying attention to her at all. o3o Seems we'll never know. But you made it through and still know what's going on, so WHOOT! xD If anything it should be much easier to understand now that he speaks.

Again, I appreciate the honest review. <333 Why I like coming to you for them, ahurr. Even if I just totally typed some sort of 'explanation' which I don't think really does anything besides show me that I should stop now and take more into consideration. Which I do. I just. Can't help it. o3o


7:08pm Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 8:01pm Mar 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 583

Alright then c: if people responded to it differently from me then that's goooood. I'm only one reviewer and, I'm sure anyone who knows me would agree, my tastes and what I look for in a story are very unusual (or at least I keep telling myself that...). Especially as you aim more on getting the audience's response perhaps it's better this way then.

And explanation is good because, as a (sucky) reader, not everything I picked up the first time reading c: Unless you complete the whole story, I think it is actually quite hard tor me to review because subtle or vague messages in the beginning won't become clear until the end. So at least with a bit of explaining now some points become clearer.

Whoo! I get cookie now yes? 8D


8:27pm Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 1:20am Mar 29 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,731

That's fine. Still, thank you.

And no cookies. >O

You can have cake though. c:


5:03am Mar 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 583

*snugs* <3

Don't ask why I did that xD It's just a must o___o


12:47pm Mar 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,731

*snugs you back* o3o

And you're more than welcome to.

*continues working on Chapter 2*

Ahur, my posts always scare people~

Maybe I should stop writing so much.


8:27pm Mar 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
My posts scare me. Not yours. :D ♥♥

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."

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