_Out of the Shadows || The Reiflem Black Market_

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8:43pm Jun 10 2012 (last edited on 8:45pm Jun 10 2012)

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Secrets of the Black Market

"Reiflempor Square can be described with three words. Money, mafia, and mendacious. Up front, it looks like a normal city thriving with business. Behind the scenes though, there's a power struggle and power comes from money. This entire city is about money. This is about the most corrupt place in all of Rescreatu that you'll ever put your eyes upon. The ruling power here is the gangs. They control this city. The mobs aren't the only problem though. The lawyers and businessmen are even more corrupt then the gangs. At the head of every gang is a businessman with a lawyer at his or her side, protecting them from the law. Despite being a thriving business location, it's only profitable if you're welcomed by the other businesses, and chances are, you're not."

Welcome to the bridge of the unforgivable and the bitter; Reiflem. In all honesty it is an interesting place, with so many stories and forgotten tales never to be told, never even to be remembered. The "middle class" here are so few and in-between you'd find more fluffy pink clouds here than them, separating the world of flames into both the rich and... well, us. The Black Market is what might seem to be the best-kept public secret in the history of the planets, and is still perhaps the most widely known here. Every child born in the city knows of it's existence, and few don't have some sort of secondhand business involved, but it's true whereabouts have been locked away for centuries.

Those secrets need to stay held, and there are a few that would stop at nothing to see that through.

What of Malcom, that miserable excuse for a man so widely connected to the image of the Market? He's no more than a face, one the true Keepers have made into the pure image of corruption and "twisted business". So majorly accepted by the Users, not one would bother to look beyond that. Not one would bother to seek out the truth.

That's what keeps us in the running.


This will progress a bit at a time as I find time and inspiration to complete the story, but feel free to follow along while I do. The posts will probably be infrequent, and I doubt there is much of a chance anyone will hold much interest in reading or keeping up. On the slim chance, though, I'd just like to say that you can feel free to post at any time to subscribe. 

Time to begin. 


8:12am Jun 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 322
Totally suscribin' -3-


7:25pm Jul 11 2012

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Posts: 1,997


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