Kir contest winning entries!

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8:20pm Apr 20 2017

Normal User

Posts: 789
Art - Winners



Honorable Mentions



Writing - Winners:


Welcome Back Kir
We missed you

Clouds wisp around the planet
That you love so dearly
It’s majesty adores you as well
They welcome you with open hearts

Though not as high in your favor
Crystal clear waters await your return
Seeing you brightens their day
Open love welcomes you into their oceans

A gust of wind carries many scents
Draws you to its care within beautiful wilderness
Seeing you emerge fills plants and human alike with joy
A garden sits welcoming you with immense care

Though not high in your favor
Our fiery passion equals yours
Molten waves would split for you to pass
Passionate flames of golden red welcome you

Person and creatu await on gilded bridges
Winds billow forth threatening to push some off
Yet they stay to welcome you
They open their hearts and homes to you

Creatu and humans await within the shallows
Slim glimmers of magic creates a beacon
Light filled faces await your return
Love filled gifts and attention are splashed upon you

People and their creatu await within a grand forest
Plants alike shift to gant passage
Shadowed over faces await your arrival
Care sparkles in their eyes as they finally see you

Our creatu and us await next to a lava pit
Infinite light glows upon our waiting faces
Despite the danger we wait for your entrance
Passionate eyes surround you upon your arrival

It’s as if even the clouds react sadly to your departure
Waters recede as you make your way off the planet
The forest withers slightly as you step onto your ship
Fires and lava increase in heat as you say your parting words

Those of Scria will miss you dearly
Those of Atquati miss your presence
Those of Relcore will miss your personality
And we of Reiflem miss your entirety

We all love you Kir and never forget that


Cheering Up a Friend 

Loyna paced back and forth, waiting for the other guardians to arrive. Otroe and Pyre had gotten to her in a timely manner, refusing to say their idea before the other two arrived. The mischievous smirk on Otroe’s face made Loyna slightly nervous, and she could only hope that his goal wasn’t to prank their dear friend.
A whir of movement caught Loyna’s attention, and Palora came riding to Otroe and Loyna on top of a bundle of water. It caused Otroe and his firebird to run in a brief panic, and Loyna laughed, greeting Palora with a smile and a short exchange of words. They didn’t say too much, for their greetings were interrupted by the arrival of Adagu, who didn’t look too pleased.
“Why, I must ask, did I have to leave my planet?” Adagu boomed angrily, eyes flashing. “I was very busy trying to clean up the Trash Isthmus and get things sorted out between usuable and-“
Otroe cut Adagu off with a raise of his hand, shaking out his now wet hair. Unceremoniously, he plopped to the ground to remove his boots, dumping water from them. “I’ll explain in a minute, Adagu, no need to be hasty!”
Adagu frowned, crossing his arms. “This better be important, to take us all away from our planets. Except for Loyna, anyway,” he added, sending the Scrian guardian a cross look. Loyna rolled her eyes, exchanging a bemused look with Palora.
“Oh, it’s important,” Otroe said seriously, looking up at all of them. As if to add emphasis, Pyre chirped from Otroe’s side. “It’s about Kir; I think I know how to cheer him up.”
“Cheer him up?” Adagu asked impatiently, shifting from one foot to another. “What’s wrong with him?”
“He’s just been feeling a bit lonely lately, bummed that he hasn’t been able to visit us in a while. And he really misses Scria, since this is where he stayed when he was here,” Otroe gestured to the cloudy planet around him. It really was a beautiful place.
“Ah,” Adagu said, all frustration instantly vanishing. “I had no idea…”
“That’s alright, Adagu,” Otroe said, clapping the Relcore guardian on the back. “I have an idea that I know will cheer our buddy right up!”
Otroe paused for a few moments, beaming around at everyone gathered.
“You going to tell us your idea, or are you going to make us guess?” Loyna finally asked, seeing that Otroe was waiting for one of them to speak. “Because if you mean to make us guess, not a good idea. I’ve been trying to think of how to cheer him up, but I haven’t even thought of anything myself, so I have no idea what could possibly be running around in that brain of yours.” Jokingly, Loyna used her staff to tap Otroe on the head, sending a slight puff of clouds around him and making his grin widen.
“We’re going to send him some derps!” Otroe announced, still beaming. The other three guardians said nothing, shifting on their feet.
“Um, I’m not sure that’s a good idea…” Loyna finally said, trying to figure out how to gently let Otroe down. “Derps are pretty… strange,” she finished lamely.
Almost impossibly, Otroe’s smile became bigger once more. “And that’s exactly the point! They are sure to put a smile on Kir’s face! And, we can all write him a little letter and tell him that we’re thinking of him and send it with the little guys!” Otroe looked around beside him, pulling on the bag he had brought, rummaging around until he produced a small puffball from his bag. It was a baby derp, and upon seeing the guardians all staring at it, it let out an excited noise, using it’s short wings to lift off as high as it could an glide happily around their heads, singing happily.
“He’ll love them!” Otroe said, watching the derp with adoration. “He left before he could see them, so it’s perfect! We can send him a little bit of what he’s missing and make him not feel so bad about not getting to see it.”
“Well, it’s crazy,” Adagu said, a smile now spreading to his face, “but I think it’s actually a good idea!” He reached out and gave the Otachie a few scratches, letting it land in his arms.
Loyna smiled, half exasperated and half amused. “I think it’s a good idea, Otroe. Kir will absolutely love it.” After all, looking at these derps was sure to make anyone feel happier. They were impossibly cute, and had endearing personalities.
The guardians went to work, producing their own letters and sending away their favorite derp species in one spaceship.
“Let’s just hope they find it,” Palora said uncertainly as the derp spaceship careened away, veering slightly off path before returning to the course bound for Uldavi. But the guardians all smiled, knowing full well their derps would be just fine. And if the derps could make them smile, they were sure to brighten Kir’s day as well.


11:49pm Apr 20 2017

Normal User

Posts: 178
So happy I won! I stole so much of my sisters paint for this hahaha
Thank you!


5:32am Apr 21 2017

Normal User

Posts: 7
@Dead It's really good! I hope she doesn't get mad! XD

Uh, hi?
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