To color, or not to color. What a horrifying dilemna

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8:02am Sep 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,446

Jeez. I finished this outline of a SLIGHTLY menacing looking ebilia. Listened to 'Animal I've Become' for it, and now I'm faced with a small dilemna.

To keep the outline, and sell it on my art auction forum, BMA,

OR to color it, and sell on BMA.

It's really aggravating.

I'd like YOU to help me with my dilemna, and I'd like some critique also. It was done at what, 7 in the morning, and I haven't had breakfast yet, so I know I have anatomy issues, and a bit of posture problems.  


2:09pm Sep 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 930

I say.

Put it through your fax machine and copy it. c:

You'll have an outline and a colored copy, woo.


4:19pm Sep 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Hah, I always do that. xD I like keeping both the blank outline and a colored copy. Even if printer paper kind of lacks the texture I would get if I was brave enough to color the original..

Hm. Like you said, the anatomy is really awkward. Especially the back. o: It looks either broken, or like it's.. a compact model. xD If you follow a curve from where its butt is now up to where it would be in a normal pose, that normal pose would end up with an extremely short spine.

I'd say your best bet would be to go back and try to move it into a more gently-sloping pose. This one's a little impossible, although it is easy to tell what you were trying to do. Actually kind of reminds me of a drawing of Uweh's that had a somewhat similar pose..

Also. The snout looks pretty long and dog-like. I dunno, it might be a personal preference, but I just had to mention it. Mostly because I used to have the problem of always making dog snouts myself, so it tends to bother me a little. xD If you do have problems with that, you might wanna try doing a few cat-snout studies. Maybe watch the Aristocats about nine thousand times. That certainly helped a lot for me.

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