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9:49am Sep 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
i know but for now i am done trying art. ill just practise. ( I thought i was so much better . I guess no one appreciates my effort). I am done


1:11pm Sep 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 253
No! you're at the perfect level for someone who has never had even a full school year of classes!

Generic Signature

7:09am Sep 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836

i am in grade 5! I've never had a special art class. i just have regular art in school.


8:23am Sep 13 2011 (last edited on 8:53am Sep 13 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
You're so young, how could you give up so early?

Everyone starts at the same point, many great artists would've drawn like you at your age. You'll only get better if you practice so if you want to get better, practice. You don't need special classes or anything. I can't say I've sat in a proper art class myself xD

Dogpaw, I wouldn't expect for people to buy your stuff immediately. When I first started doing commissions, I opened them up twice without having anyone wanting to buy anything. So just go back and improve. That's the best you can do. No one appreciates it now, but when you come back with super awesome skills, they'll be sorry xD

Anyways, I do think a lot of people on this thread are being a tad mean. Dogpaw's spelling has nothing to do with his/her ability in art. Plus, dogpaw is still a kid. I doubt everyone was completely perfect at spelling when they were 9 (even if you were awesome at spelling when you were 9, I don't care. I used to get 0s in all of my spelling tests. I understand Dogpaw's situation and you're being hurtful). Back off, he/she is still quite young and I think that if I were his/her age and saw your comments, I would be very hurt. So just be a tad kinder alright? It's not very nice to pick on people, especially children.

By the way 0FallenLeaves0, it's spelt 'assistant' not 'assistent'.


Feel the love man D:<


5:10pm Sep 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
dude wanna see an example of a person from when I was in sixth grade?

Kiromaru, The Vampire

And here's my first wolf just for kicks:

And here is my most recent thing I've done for anatomy practice in grade 11.

And an animal just to show the improvement there too lol.

And once I figure out how to shrink this stuff I will ajdjhlskjfsfg

Don;t give up. c: You'll get better. <33

And I've only had school art classes too. And while I improved with these, I didn't have an art class. I studied the works of others to see how to draw different things. It took be until just now to be able to do what I have with that anatomy practice picture.

So yeah! Don't give up! 8D We all start somewhere. <33

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