Price me for free doodles? :3

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7:05am Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 7:05am Feb 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,092

your art is cute~

you have a nice style too c:

i would say ohh... about 4-5mil for a completed one. maybe around 500k for a sketch, notsure

i noticed on some of your drawings everything is perfect but the top head. its a little high up LOL

you should lightly sketch out the shape first, a circle, and start the hair not too far from the top

just try not to start out with the eyes or nose or hair, start out with a light sketch with correct anatomy before you start your linework

a kneeded or rubber eraser and graphite pencils will aid you in your sketching. i got a pack with all that at michels for like, $4 LOL

i hope this helps you~




6:08pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 150
I love how you draw your hair. *___*
I'll have to order a few arts from you when I get tu. <3


11:19pm Feb 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 406

Oh, didn't see the posts here for some reason. Thanks for the tips, hj42. I do start out with the initial circle, but I always go crazy with my hair ; 3; I'll keep it in mind, though.

I closed my commission shop 'cuz I'm in my writing phase now, but I'd be happy to draw you, Faction. <3C: We can even do an art trade, if you're willing.


2:00am Feb 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 150
Cephei, I'm always open for art trades :3 
Let me finish a few for other dA users and my commissions (so in a week or so) and we can do a trade. ^_^


2:30pm Feb 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 406
Of course; take your time. C:

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