Outline Critique Please! :D

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1:28pm Jul 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 190

'Tis my first person that is of female gender. I fail at fingers. And capes. Please do help me on those XD

Sorry about the quality. I sketched kinda lightly; went over and pressed my hands when scanning... -.- I outlined the cape on the side.

http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/2889/lal2.png - My version here

http://img3.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1/09e36a2a0c220b83a611dd4cc1e5109f1242929886_full.jpg - What I MEANT to draw here...

Yeah! :D Please be honest. But not so honest that you get mad and start yelling ect ect... if it's etc; sorry; I haz my own language as you can tell :3

Thank you! :D Hope you like it XD 

Also, before I outline in ink; should I use a thicker marker that flows well; or a thin marker that may make giant dots if I pause.


4:20pm Jul 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,440
I'd sugges the thick marker. But since you kinda copied the image maybe change the colors so it doesnt turn into art theft...

Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

4:49pm Jul 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 190

Well I don't really plan on posting it anywhere (the final or the outlined version with the markerrr) xD Maybe might turn this into a sketch O.o Dunno...Hopes that I don't get posts saying I'm an evil con-artist that copies art every day.. o.o - headesk -

I messed up on her right hand... >< Any suggestions on the flying cape that I failed?



5:06pm Jul 29 2010

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Posts: 3,469
It could still be fanart. It just isn't allowed to be profited from.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


7:56pm Jul 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 190

Never sells anything XD I guess it could be :P

As for the marker/pen; I discovered that the pen could be 'adjusteddd' XD Anyhow; I think I'll be using the pennnn...

Anything I could change before I re-trace?


11:34pm Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 8:11am Jul 30 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Redline. ;o!


Blah, it feels so weirdy not using my stupid angles. xD But I wanted to try getting all the curves right for sure, 'stead of just cutting them straight like I usually do.

And I kind of didn't really mess with the head or do hands. I guess I just kind of.. don't feel like doing 'em, neh. x3 Hands would definitely be a pain on a laptop mouse. And I'll just recommend for the head to maybe make it just a little smaller and move it forward and down so it actually sits on her neck. Right now it'd more than half the size of her shoulders if you looked at her head-on, where it should only be about a third of their width, and it's in a really off position.

Anyway. Ohhhyah. There were definitely some mistakes you pretty much inherited from the original. Darn anime anatomy - it's so notorious for being off. xD I tried fixing both those issues and a few others you made on your own - especially how you ended up making her even thinner than she already was.. which was pretty darn thin in the first place. That tends to make the person look really, really unnatural.

A big thing to keep in mind to prevent the look of over-skinniness is that women's hips are wide - even the thin or relatively un-curvy ones. An average female character's hips will almost always be wider than the ribcage.

Oh, and this little guide should be pretty helpful for basic proportions for a girl. ;o I outlined a couple of those kinds of tips in my redline, like the bellybutton thing, but that pretty much gives you most of those little proportion things an artist should know.

Buuuut, best thing I can suggest is referencing from life. ;D Even if it's not full-out studies or sketching every day, it can help a lot. You've got a full body of reference materials right there on you - having issues with hands or a particular pose? Look at your own hand or pull out a mirror. It really helps.

Ohcheese, long post.


9:12am Jul 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 190

Yay! :D Thanks for writing a super long critique ^^ 

Has alwayz had problems with proportions. I was at drawing cl*censored* once; and the teacher was like; "NONONONO; HIS BODY IS 5 HEADS AND A HAND LONG. OR MAYBE AN ARM." Thanks though! :D I shall be practicing proportionz >D And such From nao I guess :P Sorry if this seems like nothing to your epic critique D: I feel the hands are too far away and large... o.o I also found another half of her cape missing... -.- I some what traced some of the hair yesterday night >< I can still edit her skinnyness though XD (fail spelling...) Now that I look at her body; she seems really skinny XD Imagining having a body that skinny... Also; I have a feeling that her left wrist down is way too long and skinny... 'tis longer than the top part of her arm... Thankz for the critique on what not ^^

Yesh; anorexic peoples perhapz? XD If you've ever seen Code Ge*censored*; they make the main character uber thin... Like... As thin as a small potted plant. And then his arms are super long and his HANDZ; HIS HANDZ ARE SO... ARE SO... LARGEEEEEEEE. And he has super long skinny legs. 

And thanks for the critique Yoshi! :D 'Twas epic ^^


6:19am Jul 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
Copying helps you improve a tiny bit, but make sure you don't do it too much 'kay? You're going to stop improving at some point and you need to draw more things by yourself in comparison to the amount you copy. Please don't make it a habit. I know that it can become pretty addictive, but it's really no way you should be going about things if you are really interested in being a skilled artist. It's not that I have anything against you, I know plenty of people who are decent artists that had done nothing but copy previously ;D


Feel the love man D:<


8:53am Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 8:54am Aug 1 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 190

Lol; yeah I get that part ^^ I don't even draw much anymore... I do have my own originals and stuff; I think I draw those more often and then when I get bored of them I do some random 'fan art' (I added her other weapon which is a centipede. It's killing my hand. -.-") Psher; I shall never become a skilled artist XD Dislikes pretty much all of my art... I just like to see the final result and have people criticize it XD Yeesh; understoodz ;DD

Oh yeah! I really like your arttt ^^

Yay! This can be left to die naooo xD

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