Need Pricing Help!

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4:51pm Aug 30 2013 (last edited on 4:51pm Aug 30 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 12

Hello everyone :'D
I was thinking about taking Commissions here- but alas I can't really find a set price for what I'll be offering 

So I was wondering if you all could help me out setting up a price for when I do accept commissions, well if no one minds that is! It will be a great help (●´∀`●)!
Here is what will be offered:

Buttons (I can make the letters bl
ink, and alter the html so if you click on it you'll be redirected if wanted.):

Any help is appreciated! Thanks for reading!


8:06pm Aug 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,503
Dude, you could do about 4-6mil or more for those. Really.

Not sure about the buttons.

psalm 103:12 |-/

9:04pm Aug 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 12
Woah, Thanks! That seems like a really nice price for them, and for the buttons I decided not to pull through with them and only do them on certain occasions! Thanks again!! (≧▽≦)


6:02pm Sep 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 343
I'm going to say 40-75k for the buttons
4-7 mil for the drawings c:
Let me knownif you're making buttons, I need many.

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