Darkwolf's Art (Critics Wanted!!)

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5:59am Jul 5 2009 (last edited on 6:04am Jul 5 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 28

Well I'm going to post some of my works, newer and older, here and I would be

pleased if you would tell me how they are.

 Note, I've had no art lessons other than basic schooling. I taught myself art by

 free-handedly redrawing pictures I found, then taking parts of different creatures and putting

them together, eventually this led up to more complex original art.

Also I have one thing I've been trying to get around for a while. I cannot draw humans

what-so-ever. I don't really have problems with their faces but I have alot of trouble with

limbs, hair, and porportions. I've looked at anatomy in each way I could think but I

am still unable

to properly draw humans. If anyone has any tips, I will happily accept them.




zeeba-3.gif picture by Darkwolf_Of_The_Pit
I did this for a comission on a different site but horses are not my forte.
I don't really like them nor do I like to draw them.
thfire1_16_9-1.gif picture by Darkwolf_Of_The_Pit
Another Comission, It was pretty much just piecing provided graphics together
dragon-1-1.gif picture by Darkwolf_Of_The_Pit
In fact I think all of these were comissions...
Coon.gif picture by Darkwolf_Of_The_Pit
scan0002-1.gif picture by Darkwolf_Of_The_Pit 

domo-1.gif picture by Darkwolf_Of_The_Pit

pic2-1-1.jpg picture by Darkwolf_Of_The_Pit

umber.jpg picture by Darkwolf_Of_The_Pit


Clearly, I don't have a very good scanner. In fact, that is because I don't have a scanner.

 I used one of my friends who moved to scan the Spyro pic.

 I use my phone to send them to the internet so the pics aren't all that great.

I'll add the three I'm finishing soon. Please be honest!

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