
January 9, 2021 - Divuin Egg Hunt, CS Clothing Packs!

The Divuin Egg Hunt has now started!

Cash Shop

Feeling chilly? The Cash Shop now has 3 Clothing Packs for sale to warm you up during the Blizzard!

Frost Knit Clothing Pack

The Frost Knit Clothing Pack contains the following:

Ice Walker Clothing Pack


The Ice Walker Clothing Pack contains the following:

Shirahime Clothing Pack

The Shirahime Clothing Pack contains the following:

The Ice Walker, Frost Knit, and Shirahime Clothing Packs are all just 100 CP, and will all retire again after the Blizzard has ended.

Comments: 7

TheBernMan - January 10, 2021
Love the new/old clothing...
Juniper - January 10, 2021
Yes! Time to be comfy in the sweater!! So excited ๐Ÿ˜†
Paradox - January 9, 2021
Love the Shirahime pack comeback!!!
Kalati - January 9, 2021
oh word
Shark - January 9, 2021
oh my gosh I LOVE THESE PACKS and so happy they're making a brief return
matt - January 9, 2021
Canโ€™t even remember the last time Shirahime was out ๐Ÿ˜ omg thank you
Otachie - January 9, 2021
i really loce the Shirahime one