
November 29, 2014 - Current event glitches update
Thank you for being patient with us! 
We've fixed the issues at hand with the events:

Xespa's Prize Shop is now working properly. 
In addition, the Ritual Chamber puzzle for the Quest should now be visible to play for those who saw nothing on that page.  

Find the Feast's Prize Shop is currently still experiencing some problems. We appreciate your patience while we continue to work on this.

If you experience any more problems with the Halloween or Find the Feast event, please report them to the Bugs & Glitches forum for help!

To clarify some confusion about playing the Quest: 
It is intended that each time you use a turn to solve the Ritual Chamber puzzle, any carved crystal skulls that do not stick will shatter and be destroyed.

Comments: 6

lahlahrose - November 30, 2014
Click on the skull, then click on a hole /thing/ to put it on
Merlin77 - November 29, 2014
I still can't place the skull - nice graphic and we do appreciate the hard work
pmc - November 29, 2014
i have a question? how do i place the skulls? and thanks for telling us whats going on:)
Setzer - November 29, 2014
Thank you :D
PreviousBlue - November 29, 2014
Thanks so much for catching us up on everything! :D
Bunny - November 29, 2014
Awesome work guys~