
April 18, 2014 - Haberisar Formal Wear
Formal Haberisar Clothing

<br/><a href="http://oi59.tinypic.com/258xnjd.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a><br/><a href="http://oi58.tinypic.com/2echeop.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>

The Haberisar has always been known to be rough and heavy, but there is a certain beauty to it that many may not see. This formal wear set brings out all of that beauty without losing any of the toughness so commonly associated with these massive Creatu.

This formal wear is now available for purchase in the Cash Shop





Comments: 11

Halloween - April 21, 2014
I want the black habbi gown, looking to trade it for pets or items. if anyone is interested,please rmail me.
Setzer - April 21, 2014
This is a nice one. I love the jacket. *o*
Thowra - April 19, 2014
Mmm nice set!
Dragonhatcher - April 19, 2014
You go buy it for CP in the credit shop (AKA cash point shop) it costs 50cp to get a formal wear chest, which gives you random pieces of the clothing.
MaudPie - April 18, 2014
How do you get it?
Halloween - April 18, 2014
wow,neat!! so much detail. *sighs* i still wish i could get the Noctis black dress,oh well.
Dragonhatcher - April 18, 2014
I really need the formal clothing to become the leader of my haberisar army, which currently consists of one haberisar. XD
pandanalina - April 18, 2014
:T Umm.
Dragonhatcher - April 18, 2014
Must have haberisar stuff!
Avo - April 18, 2014
Looks awesome
Phos - April 18, 2014