

So you ask who I am, eh? I say I am Zach.

Just simply like that, Zach.

I am just an average natural Meiko. You can find plenty on my kind out there, can't you? I was wandering aimlessly in that disgustingly wet Atqueen Forest, giving up all hope that I will find a caring owner once again, when I met Yaiz. She was all thrilled about how beautiful I was, and how "awesomely suiting" name I had *snort*, so she asked me if I would like to join her and her creatus in Rescreatu.
Endless sorrow...
I was reluctant to beleive her at first. I mean, won't it be the same all over again? But she talked me into it and I said yes. And eventually as I got to know her, I was able to trust someone once again, and my heart soared of joy, as I knew Yaiz would never betray me. And when I got to know that Yaiz lived in Reiflem, my dear fiery home planet, I was sure one day I will be able to forget all the terrible and sad things that had kept lurking my dreams every night. Did you know the name "Zachariah" means "Remembered by God"? In the forest while I tried to get some sleep, soaked through to the bones with chattering teeth I though this name was just another irony of fate to torture me, so I insisted that everyone should call me just "Zach". But since I met Yaiz I know it's true. I was not forgotten.

So you ask who I am? I say I am Zachariah.



Age: 21
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Red
Weapon: Handgun
Likes: Quiet Places
Dislikes: Talking About His Past
Love: Zongote
Endless darkness...
Zachariah is not for sale! Do not bother to ask!