

Who's that? Come out! You think just cause I'm blind I don't see you crouched over there like a rat. Show yourself human! Don't make me come get you....There. That's better now. Relax. I wasn't really going to hurt you. I just don't like sneaks. Keeper has me as our dens Guard after all. It's a nice job, but awfully boring. All day on the top of Mt. Star waiting for someone like you to stumble too close. I should be out there meeting my foes head on! Face to snout! I would love to feel their rush upon seeing an Omni in the flesh. Keeper says we're very rare. Not quite sure what that means, but I'm sure Makusa could fill me in. She's super smart spends her free time reading and training. Maybe I should strive to be like her.....maybe. Oh silly me, dawdling and carrying on again! Any longer and you'll be as cold as these stones. Why not go warm up in the cave? I'm sure Keeper won't mind. Due to my recent mission with JimmyCheshire, he shared with me his power of ageshifting. I can be as big or small as I want now, just like him. Makes warming up and staying hidden easy. So I'm not worried about you sneaking off with anything. I got my eyes on you hahaha