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All art was done by users here on Rescreatu.

Temmie, I hope you get to play a lot of Undertale where you are- InfernoFire

Goodbye, Temmie. You will be sorely missed. I hope that Omni and Undertale abound wherever you are. <3
~ Phantom
temmie, my sweet bb and also mother, i am sorry for pushing you away. i love you with all my heart. i'm so sorry for all you've gone through. i hope things are much better wherever you are now. <3 -xo dan

I more so knew you when you were aniwolf and only briefly as temmie due to my absence on res. But I still remember a lot of the fun and silly conversations we used to have and I will greatly miss you, and your presence in the shoutbox. May you find peace and happiness, wherever you may land. -Shadly

Hey, Ani. I know we didn't talk a whole lot, but it was rad chatting with you about Pokemon, art stuff and Undertale. I'm sad that I wasn't able to find a piece of your art to put here, but let it be known that you had one of the cutest art styles. Your love of Omni, Umbreon and Temmie was unmatched-- I hope plenty of them appear to you, wherever you may be. Rest in peace. - Hidan

Temmie love, I hope you find peace and joy wherever you are. We never talked much, but like many others, I wish we had. Seeing your name in the SB always made me were such a big part and you will surely be missed. -Tode

You had the most beautiful spirit, always so kind and sweet to everyone. I know we wernt added friends, but we were still friends.
No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth.~Robert Southey
Rip Temmie -GG


I remember when I first started the site, I didn't think much of her. But, when I really got to know her.. she was a friend that very few meet. A person that the world needs more of, a bright star in an otherwise grim, busy, stress-filled world.

Today, the world's lost a star. But, we can still move forwards, guided by its light.

Temmie was a great friend and a great person. She did battle depression for a long time, but she always pulled through. No matter what she did, she pulled through. And we were always here to help her. We were always here to listen and offer help, even if it annoyed some users. But, above all else, she were a great, cherished friend. She cared so deeply for everyone else. She made so many people smile, myself included.

Her and I talked about fandoms a lot. We shared names, shared ideas, shared concepts, shared thoughts and tactics for various games. I remember talking with her in the SB for at least an hour straight, maybe more, over Five Nights at Freddy's. And then Undertale came along, and we would talk about it for hours more. Eventually, this moved to a Skype chat, and when I added her on Skype, we talked some more. Eventually, I got busy with work and school.. and I wish I could have had a chance to say goodbye.

I didn't get to say it much, and I wish I did. But, Temmie was a great friend to me. She meant so much and stood for so much. She stood for preserverance, stood for kindness.. In a way, I guess you could say she stood for DETERMINATION itself. You will be missed, dearly, Jen. Never forget that, where ever you are now. You will always be remembered.

With Love, not LOVE
Please, be good. Be safe. Be happy now. I'll remember you. I always will.

You are a sweet, sweet soul, Ani. We will always remember you. I wish I could've expressed to you better how truly awesome you are. I hope you're really happy where you are. Rest in peace, sweetheart.
~ Katiee

I remember Ani when we first spoke on res.
she was so happy to have found a place where
she could talk to others and find her beloved
A very sweet person..always around to listin if you
have a problem.We will miss her..but in a way
I believe she will be appart or res forever as an
black omni spirit.She loved animals that had darkness
and light within them,like the pokemon umbreon.
I hope you find peace Ani..and lots of adventures!
I didn't really know her. That came out weird. The update page itself told me she was a her. In the usual peppy-pink alert color. We've had three in the past few days. One for the winter updates so many have been waiting for. One for the event shop's opening. I click through. For the past few days, SB has been lamenting the lack of users. It was especially in the night hours of NZ time. Now one of us have really gone. An "Aniwolf" of whom later, more informed individuals informed me, shared an identity with "Temmie". Perhaps she was staff. Perhaps she answered one of my many, frequent and half-researched questions in my earlier frequents of SB. Perhaps she gifted me and i, able to send nought but slightly overwhelmed RM/s in reply. Perhaps she made a joke in SB or was playing it out with another while i eavesdropped, procrastinating on one thing or another. Perhaps another player was upset and she was one of the many voices chiming in with a hug, with sympathy or with snark for RL bullies whether metaphysical, human or else. The second name is nevertheless, familiar. This so faintest of memories it might not even be one at all, may even come from as far back as 2013 when i supposedly joined and was thus bombarded by many, friendly noob welcomers. Every person at res i've met so far is quite wonderful. I don't know the entire population, probably never will but those i knew and know, they were wonderful and only get more so with time. Some are friends of a few heated - or entirely not, debates. Conversations. Chats. Friendly, full of good humor. Light. Shallow. Bright. Could it be she was one of them? Recently i found back the last gifter in my alerts. After almost three years, the alert can be deleted. I don't why i took so long to ask SB. They told me the user had changed names and i rmailed her - she remembered me. It was glorious and yet somehow, oh so warm. It in essence, made my day. How many people had felt this way that i had but about Temmie? In more and more casual settings? This tight knit community that can tell you who is who after several USERNAME changes over time, how many were heartbroken after she went? How many alternate between crying and laughing at these fragments of things and how they relate into "Aniwolf/Temmie"? And in turn, how great and absolutely wonderful was she to be remembered as she is now. Let alone by so many. In so many different words! Somewhere between my spewing this now, i check back on SB. Someone is feeling sick missing you, Temmie. Someone else is giving out hugs in place of you. Some thirds are talking about what you've done, how they were, are. Some what ifs, always sad. Somebody had a fight with you last. Somebody owed you something, reflected on mirth or by crook. By the sounds of it you were a quirky person. The quirk, the mark of only another much loved, much friended being. You loved and fangasmed like any other. When SB mentioned your "umbreons", i was asking about "the Aniwolf news". I read "umbrellas". Jamming with umbrellas. Yes. Wherever you are, May you always be in peace. May you always be that quirky girl that others lived and loved in you. The list of people asking to sign here is growing. So many volunteering for this pet and its attached memorial to be forwarded onto next. Alphabetical order or first come, first serve? Here I am worrying about the ugly alignment of this text. Somewhat wishing i knew you that well too. I always write a alot even when by all counts, I shouldn't have much to say. For a possible stranger, is this too dramatic? A few paragraphs ago, i wasn't sure. Whether we would have gotten along and some other things. Now it's a pity i never learned to party your way. If she was staff, i know they were always helpful. Playful with themselves and others like no other. I wonder if she was a pink colored staff. I think the update was pink. Pink for helper staff? I can only imagine how many she as her, she as a player and she as a staff, helped along in her time with us. I hope anyone who reads this page can identify with the friends here, the helped here, the associated here, the stranger here <---
Lots of virtual love,
And because everybody has said and will say everything else, Thank you for the memory of you to so many,

I don't know what to say... Temmie you were so sweet (even my mum said so after I told her about the fostering conversation lol) we had some great times here, confusing everyone about the gunger curse, farting in each others hair and talking about what to shave into my hair (really wish you could have helped me with that lol)and so, so much more. Even though you were fighting the terrible fight you were still so full of light and love. You'll always be here with us. I'll miss you, always. All my love-Zen
I remember when we first met in 2010, I was being silly in the SB and you joined in on my sillyness. Even though we didnt know each other personally, I still considered you a great friend. You were always really nice to me and could make me smile if you joined in my shenanigans like we did so long ago. I will miss you, Rest in Peace Ani. Love, Star

When I saw that update I couldn't believe it. I was in shock and slightly heartbroken but then I started remembering the good times. The jokes and silliness, calling me wiji xD You lit up the sb every time you were in it and were always so sweet and caring. Thank you for being part of my Res experience and bringing a smile to my face. Rescreatu will not be the same without you <3 Love - wiji (Alien)

Hi. I'm Bob. Temmmie, I.. Kinda don't wan't to write anything. I remember when I sent you an RMail about a silly theory about Temmie being Sans, and Frisk secretly being a Mii character. I remember when I mentioned Thundersnail and we started spamming 'z!' and got told off. I remember when you just got back from watching Deadpool and I hadn't watched it and you told me that my name was Ajax and I was confused as I usually am. I remember your little drawing of Asriel and you said that it wasn't that good but we told you how you always get better with practice. I remember when I asked about Temmie's ears and yKou said '2 Pointy Uppy, 2 Flippy Floppy'(which has, by the way, become one of my favourite quotes ever).

I'll miss you so much. Stay Determined.

Love, Nugget Ajax.

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I have never been good with words but I will say this. Temmie you will be greatly missed by everyone in the community and we will forever remember you. Goodbye, rest in peace and may a part of you live on in the memories of those who have been around you - Llama

My Darling, I can't write much here as there is no room and I might cry again, I'll post stuff here on this link, I miss you more than anything in the world, Love Kalia
I can't believe I couldn't say goodbye. I love you loads, Tem. I miss you so so much. -With love, Xabi