NEW! Art Commissions Forum Guidelines

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10:14pm Jul 6 2013 (last edited on 8:10am Dec 6 2014)


Posts: 2,153
[Please keep in mind that all site rules apply to all areas of Rescreatu, including the forums.]

Posting messages

  • Spamming (repetitive or nonsensical messages) will not be tolerated in the forums. Please take the time to make intelligent posts, and use correct grammar and spelling whenever possible. It would be greatly appreciated by all staff and members. Ignoring the spamming rule can result in warnings or a ban.

Content of posts

The staff of Rescreatu is not responsible for patrolling the entire internet; only our own site. It is impossible for us to determine who is the original owner of non-copyrighted off-site content. If you choose to use content found elsewhere, please have respect for the creator of that content and include a note indicating this in your message. Staff will not step in and moderate the posting of non-copyrighted content unless it violates the site rules in some way.

We will, however, step in when an on-site act of plagiarism or theft happens (meaning original content posted here is plagiarized or stolen), or if the owners of copyrighted content contact the site via official means to have it removed. Any representative of copyrighted content will know what "official means" is. If you post copyrighted content or if you steal original content posted here on Rescreatu, your account will be subject to warnings and/or banning.


Threads in the Sales & Trades forum are not to be bumped after more than four (4) weeks of inactivity unless you are the person who started the thread. Exceptions to this rule will be made if you contact a Support Staff member to ask permission to revive the thread and your reason why you would like to do so. Ignoring this rule can result in warnings or a ban, as it will be considered spamming and/or trolling.

Content rating

The contents of anything posted in any forum must remain PG or below. Users of all ages are able to access our forums. If you post inappropriate content, your account will be subject to warnings and/or banning.

If you find inappropriate content anywhere, please report it to a Support or Moderator staff member.

Payments and Commissions

All dealings will be done "at your own risk". This means if you agree to draw art for a price and are not paid up front, it is at your own risk. This also means if you pay someone to draw art up front and are not ever given your art, it is at your own risk. Staff will not step in and make refunds. If there is found to be deliberate fault, staff will step in and take measures to prevent it happening again, but we are not going to moderate your dealings. It is up to you to play fair with each other. Pay what you agree to pay; draw what you agree to draw.

Deliberate fault means scamming, repeatedly being paid up front and not coming through with your customers' work, repeatedly asking for art and then never paying for it, etc. It is fairly easy to tell the difference between occasional hiccups and consistent failure to follow through.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
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