Rescreatu Plug DJ

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11:32pm Jun 13 2015 (last edited on 11:33pm Jun 13 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 124
Hi, I'm Cait, also known as Fire/FireCreeper.  A few months ago I found a website called Plug DJ.  And two months ago I found Rescreatu.  So I thought, "Hey! Why not take the community on Res and take them to Plug DJ!"  Let me explain.
Plug DJ?
Plug DJ is a site where you can listen to music, pretty simple.  You make little communities for your friends, or in this case websites, and your friends can join and play their own music!  You make a playlist filled with songs (that you can find on YouTube) you love and click "Click To DJ".  That adds you into the DJ Waitlist.  When it's your song, the song, along with the video, will play on a small screen at the top of the page for everyone in that community to hear and see.  You can either Woot! the song, which means you like it, Grab the song, which adds it to one of your playlists, or Meh the song, which means you don't really like it.  Another thing that I think is cool, Woot!ing the song makes your avatar dance!  It's super cute.  You can buy new avatars with Plug Points along with some pretty cute badges to go next to your username!
Simple rules: all of the Rescreatu rules.  You also cannot play any songs involving nudity or any inappropriate subjects.   Remember, along with the song playing the video will also be playing.  Please watch the video in private before showing it on Plug DJ.
How To Join
To join the Unoffcial Rescreatu Plug DJ Community you will have to get the link since it's a private community.  You can rmail me or Kittykat for the link.  If you would like, you can reply with your username down below so we know who you are (unless it's obvious, mine is FireCreeper. But Kittykat's is DJ-Kitteh).  I'll be in the DJ community pretty often so if you have any questions or would like to be a Resident DJ (first staff rank) or Bouncer (second rank) you can tell me there.


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