~How To Use The Creatu Search~

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3:02pm Apr 3 2018

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Fun little guide to find the LOWEST price of a specific creatu!

Location is used to specify where you are looking for a creatu!
Rancher shops is obviously most used when looking to buy a creatu!
However Profile, Showroom, Pet Auctions, and Graveyard are there as well if you like snoop ;P

So when hunting down lowest price of creatu you will want to look in Rancher Shops!

This is where you would select a specific creatu species
You can select multiple in a row by clicking on one then holding down shift and clicking on more!
So for example click on Aerix hold down shift and click on Aukira
Now you will search for Aerix, Ahea, Ardur, and Aukira!
If you want to search for specific creatu but not in a row then you would use the ctrl key!
For example click on Aerix then scroll down the list and hold down ctrl and click on Berrok
Now you will search for Aerix and Berrok!
Or you can leave it checked as Any
Keep in mind the searching does have a limit so if there are too many creatu of a specific species it will say your search result is to broad (or something)

This is where you would select a specific color for your creatu search!
Again like above you can search for multiple using those techniques!
Or you can just search for any!

These I never touch. I leave everything at any.
Unless of course you are looking for a specific effect, mutant, or gender!

This is what my Display looks like.
This is what shows when you are searching for a creatu!
Basically you just click on Owner and hold shift until Location!
You can set it up anyway you would like though!

Pricing Section
This section here has a lot of info on it!
However none of it really matters haha
The one thing that matter is the bottom option. Price!
What you do to find the LOWEST possible price is just type 1 in the first box and leave the second box blank!
This gets rid of any pets that show up as 0tu in shops because you can't buy those!

Order By
Here is an important step into finding the LOWEST possible price!
You want Order By to be set to Price
Then Direction to Ascending so it shows the lowest price first!
Save is there in case you want to save your current set up that way you don't have to change it everytime!

So now lets put this to work!
Lets say I wanted to know the cheapest price for a black otachie
This is how my setup would look!
Location: Rancher Shops
Species: Otachie
Color: Black
Price: 1
Order By: Price

Now clicking Query Search gives me these results
TADA the cheapest black otachie is 350k! :D

Hope this was helpful!


3:10pm Apr 3 2018

Normal User

Posts: 1
*bows down*
Much appreciated! :)
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