Until we figure out what is going on with item values, I will not be editing this any further. I've spent hours on it, and it may all have been a total waste of time.
please bear with me as I format the post. Thank you
I've only handed in items to the Reiflem shrine, so I can only talk about those amounts. Ill be posting them in alphabetical order. If you have any other items to add to the counts, please feel free to comment here, or PM me.
100k Recipe Card 25 100k T Shirt 25
A Guide to the Merchant Class 50 A Guide to the Rancher Class 50
Achromatic Jaaku Squishy 50 Achromatic Murren Squishy 100
Achromatic Valabex Squishy 50 Acid Apple 30
Aerix Fruit 75 Albino Ahea Squishy 75
Albino Fur Headband 100 Albino Kayoki Squishy 50
Albino Meiko Squishy 50 Albino Otachie Squishy 50
Amber Ball of Yarn 30 Amber Polo Shirt 50
Ancient Bones 30 Apple Snowcone 125
Apple Sundae 100 Ardur Engine 250
Artichoke 30 Artichoke Ice Pop 80
Artichoke Lollipop 100 Artichoke Pizza 150
Ash and Atquati MINUS 30 Atquati Berries MINUS 50
Avocado Cupcake 80 Avocado Doughnut 80
Baby Murren Squishy 50 Bacon Sword 50
Baconsicle 80 Bag of Gummy Berroks 30
Bag of Popcorn 50 Banana Cream Pie 100
Banana Flavor Stix 30 Banana Lollipop 30
Banana Mirabilis Cupcake 100 Banana Taffy 50
Basil 75 Becca Staff Squishy 30
Beef Burger 30 Black Ardur Squishy 50
Black Ball of Yarn 30 Black Berrok Squishy 30
Black Easero Squishy 50 Black Fur Shoulder Scarf 75
Black Half Shoulder Cape 75 Black Jaaku Squishy 50
Black Kayoki Squishy 50 Black Myotis Squishy 50
Black Narwi Squishy 50 Black Polo Shirt 50
Black Puffer Jacket 75 Black Ruffled Striped Skirt 30
Black Smock 50 Black Spiral Sandals 30
Black Tea Leaves 30 Black Vaspi Squishy 30
Black Veram Squishy 75 Black Vogar Squishy 50
Black Wrap Top 50 Blackberry Lollipop 30
Blackberry Mirabilis Cupcake 100 Blessed Amulet of Reiflem 360
Blessed Talisman of Reiflem 360 Blonde Ardur Squishy 75
Blonde Berrok Squishy 30 Blonde Chimby Squishy 75
Blonde Gondra Squishy 75 Blonde Intes Squishy 50
Blonde Malal Squishy 75 Blonde Myotis Squishy 75
Blonde Valabex Squishy 30 Blonde Zaphao Squishy 50
Blonde Zenirix Squishy 30 Blue Boom Box 30
Blue Flats 30 Blue Frosting Cookie 100
Blue Potion Squishy 50 Blue Raspberry Snowcone 80
Blueberry and Strawberry Milkshake 30 Blueberry Eclair 100
Blueberry Frosted Doughnut with Sprinkles 100 Blueberry Ice Pop 80
Blueberry Kuchen 100 Blueberry Lollipop 30
Blueberry Snowcone 80 Blueberry Sundae 80
Book of Fire 50 Book of Magic 50
Book of Water 50 Book of Wind 50
Bottle of Bubbles 30 Bright Long Embroidered Skirt 75
Broccoli 30 Brown Shorts 50
Brown Smock 50 Brussels Sprouts 50
Bubblegum Frosted Doughnut with Sprinkles 100 Bubbly Blue Babydoll Shirt 30
50 Calico Chimby Squishy 50 Calico Jaaku Squishy 50 Calico Uilus Squishy 50 Calico
Zenirix Squishy 50 Caramel Fudge Cheesecake 100 Caramel Nut Cake 100 Caramel-filled Chocolate Bar 50 Cascade Wig 30 Cavalier Visor 50 Celery 50 Cerise Tunic 75 Cheese Pizza 80 Cherry Lollipop 30 Cherry Cricket Lollipop 50 Cherry Doughnut 80 Cherry Gummy Paw 50 Cherry Ice Cream Cone 80 Cherry Tunic 100 Cherry Vest 50 Chicken Leg 30 Chocobutter Cups 30 Chocolate Bar
30 Chocolate Chip Cookie 100 Chocolate Chip Cookie Bag 80 Chocolate Cream Pie 100 Chocolate Eclair 80 Chocolate Flavor Stix 30 Chocolate Frosted Doughnut with
Sprinkles 100 Chocolate Frosting Cookie 100 Chocolate Happy Birthday Cake 125 Chocolate Ice Cream Cone 80 Chocolate Ice Pop 80 Chocolate Lollipop 50 Chocolate Long Embroidered Skirt 75 Chocolate Sundae 100 Chocolate Swirl Cheesecake 80 Christmas Cactus 100 Cinnamon Flavored Gum 100 Clam Meat 25 Cloudncandy 30 Coconut 50
Coconut Cream Pie 80
Coconut Drink 100
Coffee Lollipop 50
Cookie Lollipop 75
Cookie with Sprinkles 80
Cookies n Cream Ice Cream Cone 80
Cool Red Sunglasses 30
Corn 30
Cream Berrok Squishy 30
Cream Iluvu Squishy 30
Cream Intes Squishy 50
Cream Myotis Squishy 30
Cream Quelis Squishy 30
Cream Tesuri Squishy 30
Cream Vaspi Squishy 30
Cream Zaphao Squishy 30
Cream Zenirix Squishy 30
Crimson Long Embroidered Skirt 75
Crustacean Cream Pie 100
Cyid Gem Candy 30
D Alphabet Squishy 50
Danae Sitting Squishy 30
Dark Chocolate Bar 30
Dark Denim Skinny Jeans 75
Dark Fur Shoulder Scarf 250
Darknight Babydoll Shirt 50
Deluxe Beef Noodle Medley 100
Deluxe Red Cloak 30
Drindain Ball 50
Drool Lollipop 75
Easter Kurrabi Squishy 250
Egg Noodle Surprise 100
Eggplant 50
Eggs 30
Enchanted Seaweed 50
Enchanted Springs Recipe Card 50
Exploring Niches 50
Eye Candy Lollipop 50
Fig 75
Flower Infused Tea 30
Flower Noodle Medley 100
Flowers for Randall 30
Flying With Tesuri 50
Freezing Wind Starstick 30
Fresh Bread 80
Frog Lollipop 50
Frosted Eclair 100
G Alphabet Squishy 25
Geonightrose Staff Balloon 50
Ginger Ardur Squishy 50
Ginger Berrok Squishy 30
Ginger Drindain Squishy 50
Ginger Easero Squishy 50
Ginger Ebilia Squishy 50
Ginger Kurrabi Squishy 50
Ginger Malal Squishy 50
Ginger Vaspi Squishy 50
Ginger Veram Squishy 30
Gingerbread Man 80
Glass Shard 50
Glowing Blue Charm 30
Gobia Cookie 125
Gold Thread 75
Grape Ice Pop 80
Grape Lollipop 30
Grapes 30
Gray Denim Skinny Jeans 75
Gray Jean Skirt 30
Green Apple 30
Green Frosting Cookie 100
Green Long Embroidered Skirt 75
Green Neck Ribbon 30
Green Onion 30
Green Potion Squishy 30
Green Skateboard 30
Green Tie Dye Headband 30
Green Train 30
Guide to Goths 50
Gummy Worms 30
Ham 30
Ham and Pineapple Pizza 80
Happy Emote Squishy 50
Heat Chase 30
Honey 30
Hot Chocolate 50
Hot Dog With Cheese 30
How To Become Smart 50
How to Hatch a Berrok Egg 50
How to Hatch a Chimby Egg 50
How to
Hatch a Cyid Egg 75
How To Hatch a Drachid Egg 75
How To Hatch a Draqua Egg 75
How To Hatch a Drindain Egg 30
How To Hatch a Gondra Egg 50
How To Hatch a Jahara Egg 30
How To
Hatch a Leverene Egg 30
How To Hatch a Malal Egg 30
How To Hatch a Meiko Egg 30
How To Hatch a Meragon Egg 30
How To Hatch a Mirabilis Egg 75
How To Hatch a Skaldyr Egg 30
How To Hatch a Zaphao Egg 30
How To Hatch an Intes Egg 30
Honeycomb Lollipop 100
Ice Tunnel Shard 100
Inauspicious Excavations 30
Job Tower Token 8 75
Juicy Orange
Kurrabi Caboose 250
Large Smoothed Driftwood 25
Ice Cream 100
Lemon Eclair 80
Lemon Ice Pop 80
Lemon Lollipop 30
Lemon Polo Shirt 75
Lemon Snowcone 100
Light Fur Shoulder Scarf 250
Lime Frosted Doughnut with Sprinkles
Lime Lollipop 30
Lime Polo Shirt 75
Lime Snowcone 80
Lolly Bag 30
Love Emote Squishy 25
LuvBunny Apple 100
Luxury Mint Candy 50
Luxury Strawberry Candy 50
Mad Emote Squishy 25
Magic Wand 30
Mango 75
Marrhet Staff Balloon 50
Meatball Sandwich 30
Memoir of Otroe 300
Milk 30
Mint Flavored Gum 100
Murren Umbrella 30
Mushroom, Sausage, and Onion Pizza 80
Mustard Tunic 75
Mutant Quelis Squishy 50
Natural Iluvu Pages 100
Natural Iluvu Squishy 30
Ointment of the Wind 75
Onion Rings 30
Opalized Fossil 100
Orange 30
Orange Eclair 80
Orange Frosted Doughnut with Sprinkles
Orange Lollipop 30
Orange Swirl Cheesecake 100
Pancakes 80
Peach Cupcake 80
Peach Doughnut 80
Peanut Chocolate Bar 30
Peppermint Hot Chocolate 75
Pepperoni Pizza 125
Petrified Wood 25
Pink Ankle Socks 30
Pink Bunny Ears 30
Pink Cotton Candy 50
Pink Seaglass 100
Plain Flour Bag 80
Plain Mirabilis Cupcake 100
Plum Frosted Doughnut with Sprinkles
Poisonous Lemon 50
Pomegranite 75
Potion of Weakening 100
Purple Frosting Cookie 100
Purple Pompom Scarf 50
R Alphabet Squishy 25
Rainbow Scale 100
Raspberry Eclair 100
Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake 150
Ravioli 100
Raw Rib Steak 50
Raw White Fish Steak 50
Red Flowing Pants 30
Red Half Shoulder Cape 75
Red Onion 30
Red Scale Knit Leggings 30
Red Swim Trunks 30
Red Tie Dye Pants 30
Red Train 30
Red Valentine Card 100
Reiflem Squishy 36
Relcore Easter Egg MINUS 100
Round Chocolate Cheesecake 100
Round Strawberry Cheesecake 100
Rubber Ducky 30
Saba Maki Roll 50
Sage Vest 30
Salmon Nigiri 50
Sand Dollar 100
Sand Mollusk 50
Sea Flower Staff 50
Seafood Noodle Surprise 100
Sepia Fur Shoulder Scarf 75
Seymours Treasure 100
Shimmering Shell 100
Shocked Emote Squishy 25
Silver Mirabilis Squishy 75
Silver Zaphao Squishy 75
Skull Cooking Pot 80
Skull Frisbee 100
Sky Blue Silk Sleeves 30
Sky Blue Swirl Pants 30
Slice of Blueberry Pie 80
Slice of Everything Pizza 150
Slice of Green Pepper Pizza 100
Slice of Strawberry Rhubarb Pie 100
Slice of Striped Watermelon 50
Slice of Vanilla Frosted Chocolate Cake
Slice of Very Vanilla Cake 100
Smooth Rounded Pebble 25
Snow Merbits 250
Snow Peas 50
Snow Tail of Questionable Origin 250
Snowflake Scarf 100
Sour Apple Lollipop 30
Spooky Myotis Backpack 100
Spooky Veram Backpack 100
Spooky Vogar Backpack 250
Squid Ink Noodles 100
Squid Lollipop 50
Steel Light Pink Candle Holder 80
Still Friends Card 100
Strawberry Cupcake 80
Striped Banana 50
Sucker for You Card 250
Sugar Cookie Bag 80
Tasty Plain Noodles 100
Teal Polo Shirt 75
The Complete Guide to SPAM 30
The Green Untitled Book 30
Tina the T-Rex Squishy 30
Tiny Clam Shell 25
Tofurkey 50
Tomato Doughnut 80
Triple Apple Taffy 50
Tropical Blossom 30
Tropical Sky 30
Tropical Sunset 30
Turkey Leg 30
Turnip 50
U Alphabet Squishy 25
Unagi Nigiri 50
V-Day Sucks Card 100
Vanilla Cupcake 80
Vanilla Doughnut 80
Vanilla Lollipop 30
Vanilla Sundae 80
Vaspi Twinkle Lights 100
Veram Box Car 250
Violet Train 30
Vogar Sucker 30
Waterlogged Book 25
Watermelon Slices 50
White Balloon 30
White T-Shirt 30
Whole Raw Poultry Leg 50
Whole Raw Poultry Wing 50
Wide Witch Hat 250
Wild Reifruit 50
wolfspirit25 Staff Squishy 50
Wrong Type Card 100
Wyrae Engine 250
X Alphabet Squishy 25
Yellow Bunny Ears 30
Yellow One-Piece Swimsuit 30
Yellow Skateboard 30
Yellow Tie Dye Pants 30
Zombie Bite 100
Fresh Ardur Egg 64
Fresh Aukira Egg 59
Fresh Meiko Egg 52
Fresh Otachie Egg 13
Fresh Roditore Egg 62