Suggestions for items that might need updated art:
MiscellaneousSingular items - Nail Clippers, Orange Balloon, Stealth Female Suit, Tweezers, Gothic Glass Table, Fancy White Table, Achromatic Zenirix Squishy
Groups of Items - Swirl Chairs, Bandaids, regular size candles (blue candle, crimson candle, etc.), Creatu Balls (Ahea Ball, Drindian Ball, etc.), Lipstick items, Frisbee items, Lip Glosses mentioned above, Bunny Ears items
How to Annoy Patrick, Outsane How to RAYGE, Book of Magic, The Ways of the Turtles
Peanut Butter Cookie, Tesuri Cookie, Lollipops, Blue/Red/Yellow Water Bottles, Easter Bunny Ice Cream Cone