Old item revamp

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10:28am Apr 21 2020 (last edited on 4:30pm Apr 23 2020)


Posts: 3,211
Rescreatu has a lot of items
and I mean

(about 8824 items, give or take!)

Many of these are old and could do with a bit of a refresh, whether
it's new art, a better descri.ption. (or adding in one that's missing!) or making it into HA clothing let us know! 


We have a list of items that can do with some HA art already, it'll just be really nice if we can find more! 


10:41am Apr 22 2020

Normal User

Posts: 21
I’ll keep my eye out for some old items


4:38pm Apr 23 2020 (last edited on 4:41pm Apr 23 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 2,048
the zaphao squishies could use a revamp. also the alphabet squishies, which still have an opaque white bg. 

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

9:57am May 21 2020


Posts: 1,586

Went through my inventory :)


5:37pm May 21 2020

Normal User

Posts: 128
The Apple of Love and Christmas Apple both have a white background.

Could use new art:
Tokens: blank/air/fire/water/earth and Job Tower Tokens

all Lip Gloss (have a light blue background)

Cloud Berry (has a light blue background)

Elixir of Protection/Fire/Knowledge

Leather Bracelet 

Monster Cookies

More Fish In Atquati Card

Moon Staff

Plastic Blue Star Wand

Outsane How to RAYGE

11:30pm Jun 3 2020

Normal User

Posts: 350
The chimby hand puppet is wearable, but it's literally the only one. I always thought that was strange. Why the Chimby Hand Puppet would be wearable and none of the other ones, since they're all prizes from the Clothing Quest.


7:36am Dec 31 2020 (last edited on 7:36am Jan 18 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 128
* Most of the lip gloss got new art but you missed: 

* We are missing Atquati and Scria Squishy. (The planet squishy, we have only Reiflem and Relcore)

* Brown Retro Button Dress - rename (Brown Retro Buttoned Dress - all the other dresses have buttoned in their names)

2:01am Jun 16 2023


Posts: 3,211


8:30am Jun 16 2023

Normal User

Posts: 678
Suggestions for items that might need updated art:

Singular items - Nail Clippers, Orange Balloon, Stealth Female Suit, Tweezers, Gothic Glass Table, Fancy White Table, Achromatic Zenirix Squishy
Groups of Items - Swirl Chairs, Bandaids, regular size candles (blue candle, crimson candle, etc.), Creatu Balls (Ahea Ball, Drindian Ball, etc.), Lipstick items, Frisbee items, Lip Glosses mentioned above, Bunny Ears items 

How to Annoy Patrick, Outsane How to RAYGE, Book of Magic, The Ways of the Turtles

Peanut Butter Cookie, Tesuri Cookie, Lollipops, Blue/Red/Yellow Water Bottles, Easter Bunny Ice Cream Cone

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

1:16am Jun 21 2023


Posts: 3,211
I will never update the wonky nail clippers ToT

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