World of Illusion

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2:13pm Mar 25 2015 (last edited on 2:22pm Mar 26 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 12
You are a misunderstood child. You either have zero friends, diagnosed with a fatal illness, or maybe your parents hate you. There seems to be no escape from this god-forsaken world. But, there's an upside to every day, and that's being able to go to sleep and dreaming of a fantasy land and being happy until your alarm clock rings again in the morning.

One day when you are dreaming, it seems as if you have arrived in a different world. You wake up in a forest, greeted by a heroine named Alson (played by me) and her band of outlaws and misfits. You are then told about the demons that plague the kingdom of Uplea. The king is dead and his army of knights do not help the citizens. It's up to you to help the kingdom and get rid of the demons, no matter the cost.

-Please don't be over dramatic with your character's back-story. It's really annoying.
-Fight fair (But no fighting OOC)
-I would really love to see some diversity with your characters, not a bunch of pretty white faces.
-Cursing is fine, but don't over do it.
-Type DREAMS somewhere in your bio's so I know you read this
-Whatever harm is done to your characters in their dreams, can also happen to them in the waking world. 
-You can write as much as you want, but please at least more than 3 sentences.
-No Mary/Gary Sues, this should be obvious.


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2lHeMl6NNM16TX3KOr4XnH43JLaffutix8S4MqdXyrRlJp1OSopRf6XlHoEOKwqKDm1qlrpoznpy3GtdUcU+VrpoV6pZwfoWa/uKTi1lZW2xXpzTeMr30EM9c64tMPZmvGmi0cMVOTxOSXTXGAq8Ko88ouSiv2tNMv036qlWm0ydMsF1wulHl8+e+sTmXtCnF6S9ti/UGlOaMMkZlBPqKpiPVMqsVvHUnU3C3aw9SDlllUAGRZKEAZBNGQDyLIZKJMiPJFsBgLPoBeDCMQFgBiAoYIAMgQNgABkcRgA5f2X9iAAFhvck1/LGARDA8ABAYEAAD6gwAoGDACEHUQAUIaAAEMAAQwAAAAAMgAAf/2Q==" alt="Image result for demon face">

The demons will usually take form of a human. Their wings are invisible to the naked eye but appear after they are killed. When not in any form, they resemble black smoke and can force their way into or out any body they like. To prevent this from happening, simply wear a cross. They are 5x stronger than the average human and can withstand any injury to their vessel without slowing down. 

To Properly Hurt/Kill a Demon You Need:
-Holy Water
- Holy Oil (To set them on fire)
- A weapon or ammo soaked in holy water 

Note that after a demon exits a body, their vessel will either die or become mentally absent. Salt and holy water will most likely only harm the demons. You aren't aware of exactly who is and who isn't a demon until they decide to show themselves to you. They will do this by flashing their eyes black. 

Character Sheet

Age: (5+)
Appearance: (Doll creators allowed, but not anime!)
Weapon: (remember this is like Medieval times)
Song: (Optional)

My Characters
Name: Margaret "Maggie" Newman
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Sexuality: heterosexual
History: Born to two different colored parents, Maggie was often made fun of. Kids at school would bully her and call her names. She was an outcast and felt as if no one in the world understood her. After her family moved away from Austin to live in Uvalde,TX, Maggie decided to dominate the others before they could do any damage to her. Soon after, her mother died in a terrible car crash and she now stays with her father.
Personality: Maggie is a bit on the girly side. She loves all things pink and pretty and isn't a great fan of gross, slimy things. She is a bit confident around kids her age but shy when speaking to adults. Maggie sees her father as her hero and hides behind him when things go awry. She is also a bully, but hates that fact, wishing it was easier to change her ways. Despite being girly, Maggie knows how to stand up for herself and can get her hands dirty if the situation calls for it.

Name: Alson Ferrier
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
History: Alson had no real family, as she was an orphan. She had lived the the kingdom of Uplea all her life and wanted desperately to become a knight. But, of course, other women and girls said her dream was ridiculous and could never be done, but she did. She served the king for 7 years before she was banished for reasons unknown. As payback, she formed a band of outlaws and outcasts just as herself and raided the villages successfully. 
After hearing about the demons that had mysteriously risen from hell torment and posses the citizens, Alson decided to help instead of stand by like the knights and do nothing. 
Personality: Alson can be a little intimidating to some people, but she does not understand why. She is a bit loud and very much outgoing, always ready for an adventure. Alson is loyal to her followers and her friends and will save them before saving herself. She is very much boyish and doesn't completely understand how normal women act. Alson is kind to strangers but will not trust them until they prove worthy of her trust. She is also very much independent. 


6:09am Mar 26 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
I would love to join!
I just don't understand a few things.
Could you make an example of one of the bio's?


10:28am Mar 26 2015

Normal User

Posts: 12
Oh yes, I meant to put mine up yesterday but I didn't have the time ^-^" I'll post it soon


12:19pm Mar 26 2015 (last edited on 4:43pm May 8 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Azurine Anunaya


Nonbinary/Agender ovo/ Uses They/them pronouns

Pansexual uvu


Born to relatively proud parents as one in a pair, Azurine was always slightly overshadowed by their louder, more eccentric twin Coral. Unlike Coral, Azurine was always more quiet and serene, less outspoken and less...opinionated. While in most regards Coral was always more than Azurine, Azurine always had a wider, more accepting world view than their twin.

After admitting to their entire family that they were agender and weren't 'straight', their home life went fairly downhill. Their twin was fine with it, but their parents weren't so much.

Their life quickly dwindled down to the point they would just rather fall asleep and stay asleep. Their dreams were s much better than the reality they lived.

Quiet and definitely not outspoken. Tends to hide behind their scarf and if at all possible avoid speaking at all. Likes staying back in the shadows and being unseen, and at this point no longer brings attention to themself.


Spectrum by Dave, Cryaotic, and Minx (it's on Boyinaband's channel)

I'm so sorry the personality is so brief ;;


6:09pm Mar 28 2015

Normal User

Posts: 12


8:04pm Mar 28 2015

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
The bio's brief but ;u; finished


10:45pm Mar 28 2015

Normal User

Posts: 12
It's fine, I really like your charrie ^-^ But if you could please go through the rules, that'd be great


11:26pm Mar 28 2015

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Fixed what I missed ;u; and thank you :'D


1:14am Mar 29 2015 (last edited on 12:36am Mar 30 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
Character Sheet

Name: Asher (Favorable, lucky) Austin

(Nickname: Ash)

Age: (5+) 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Asher has short brown hair with natrual blonde highlights and blue eyes. He's well built from his training, that he does as a rebel, and his long legs allow him to run and walk faster than average.

History: He won't share as he doesn't want people to think he is being dramatic. He bought a, successful, black race horse mare and called her 'The Dark Duchess'. 
(The Dark Duchess and his other history are tied together someway.)

Personality: Asher is an easy to get along guy. He is willing to listen people, and he's also willing to give advice to people who are struggling. He's positive when that's needed, and he's serious in a dire situation. He's very adaptable to his surroundings and easily keeps his negative emotions inside him. He's an athletic and sporty guy, a rebel and a ladies man. He loves to party. When he is hurt, he will be stupid and get drunk. 

Weapon; He has a horse called the Dark Duchess and a bow and arrows. 

Song: (Optional)

Other: He hates to dream. He lives in England. 

The Dark Duchess.


1:20am Mar 29 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
I would just like to know, is the whole role play going to be in a dream? Or will we wake up? What country are we in? England, America?


2:01pm Mar 29 2015

Normal User

Posts: 12
Yes, the majority of the role play will be in a dream. Occasionally, we will wake up but only for a brief time. Your characters can live anywhere, but they all come together in their dreams, forgot to add this tidbit up there, sorry.

Also, for me to accept your character, could you please go through the rules? It's only a small thing you're missing :P


2:08pm Mar 29 2015

Normal User

Posts: 12
Character accepted :)


6:32pm Mar 29 2015

Normal User

Posts: 4
Sev Lynch
Sev has always been introverted, mostly without a friend in the world. He is very antisocial, because of having been teased a lot in school when he was younger. His parent, a father, has almost never been home more than two days at a time. He raised himself pretty well, but anyone would know that he never visits anyone. This caused his reputation in school to go down even furthur.
Introverted, antisocial, quietly loyal
Has tried quite a few, but the curved blade of a scythe or a sickle feels the best in his hands.
Never Too Late, Three Gays Grace

12:38am Mar 30 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
Edited mine.


10:34am Mar 30 2015

Normal User

Posts: 12



8:50pm Apr 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Boop ovo))


11:38am Apr 18 2015

Normal User

Posts: 53
Name: Spencer Woodley

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Spencer also wears a small silver necklace, upon which is a cross, a shark tooth, a small key charm, a hex nut, a leaf charm, and a black butterfly charm. It is something that, to her, is almost like a scrapbook. She is never seen without it. Spencer has blonde highlights (somewhat not visible in the picture) and the very bottom of her hair is also dyed blonde. Upright, she stands at 5'10, with long legs. She is very skinny and agile, but has some muscle, which is why she wields a bow rather than a sword.

History: Spencer doesn't like to tell people her past, because it'll hurt them as much as it hurts her. To get the basis of it, she was bullied because her parents were alcoholics, as well as a few other things.

Personality: Spencer seems cold when you look at her, but really just prefers the quiet. Her dreams are her escape from her harsh reality. If you get to know her, Spencer is funny, spunky, witty, clever, and overall very kind. She loves the woods, and enjoys climbing trees. Also, she is a huge animal lover, though not a vegetarian, and only kills them when she has to.

Weapon: Spencer's choice weapon is a bow. She has spent many days outside in the forest practicing. Spencer's bow, when stood on it's end, is a little over 3 and a half feet in length. It is carved out of a yew branch and stained a very dark brown. The grip is teal. Her arrow quiver is chestnut brown in coloring, and straps comfortably over her left shoulder, down to her hip, and back around. 

Song: Viva la Vida by Coldplay


2:39pm May 8 2015 (last edited on 2:41pm May 8 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 2,403
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Doesn't know
History: Used to live a happy life with Mother and Step father until they recently got killed by demons.
Personality: Brave, never afraid, good person.
Weapon: Katana
Song: ignorance by paramore.
Other: Has a step sister

Name: Shaela
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Sexuality: staright
Appearance: (Couldn't get picture) Shoulder-length brown curly hair. Bright blue eyes, pale lips,  pale skin. Likes a lot of Purple clothing.
History: Used to live a happy life with Father and Step mother until they recently got killed by demons.
Personality: Perfectionist, worries alot, sometimes hot-headed.
Weapon: bow and arrow.
Song: Skinny Love by Birdy
Other: Has a step sister


11:03am Jun 11 2015

Normal User

Posts: 71
Name: Michele Karen Williams
Age: (5+) 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
History: Her parents died in a crash and her friends moved away from her small country town. She lives with her granny, who doesn't exactly like her.
Personality: She is shy and confidential. Doesn't say match. She would be a good best friend, if she the chance.
Weapon: She has two very loyal dogs. Grey and Blue.
She has a long sword.
Song: (Optional) 

Daisypath Christmas tickers

8:42am Jun 22 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,188

Name: Cuan

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance: tle="linky" target="">LINK

History: Cuan was put into adoption at a young age, after his birth was simply an "accident." He hasn't been fostered yet, and even though he gets on with the other kids in care very well, the questions of what happened to his parents haunt him still.

Personality: Cuan is a happy-go-lucky guy, who seems to always have a smile on his face. He can always make people smile with his childish jokes and his own goofy grin. Although Cuan can seem like the happiest kid on Earth, he still has his moments, where he can break down and not talk to anyone for extended periods of time.

Weapon: ta:image/jpeg;base64,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" ti
tle="linky" target="">LINK


Other: ~DREAMS~

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