The Planet of Nazva

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9:47pm Dec 5 2013 (last edited on 10:15am Dec 6 2013)

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Posts: 1,939
It is the year 3000... An event will happen that will change the world... Forever. A type of rapture will happen through out the world. They will be taken by the higher beings and they will turn almost the whole world into their own world. But these higher beings or the Nazca did this for an important reason. The Azti species were coming to Earth to wipe them of the face of the universe. But before the Nazca could ever reach Earth,  the Azti had already destroyed every human they thought was on this planet. They were horribly mistaken. There were several left. Niether knew a single bit about one another. But soo they're become best friends. They weren't changed into Nazca. They were kept as humans. They would be sent to the Nazcas alienmade planet, called Nazca. They set the surviving humans there. Only the humans could survive there. Will they survive the new world made for them or will they perish as if the were never even there... 

Species-(Nazcas are all types of aliens just like the races in America.)

10:16am Dec 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
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