Half-creatu rp

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11:27am May 26 2014 (last edited on 6:02pm May 27 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 103
breaking news:
people have been transforming into half-creatu (humans that look like creatu, complete with ears and/or tails)
everywhere. this is not to be worried about, as this is only genetics at work.
you then got a DNA test,  with these notes:  prone to become a half-creatu.
you go to bed, and, the next morning, you feel different, more alive.
your clothes have been changed, and you look more like a creatu.
you have become a half-creatu.

1: no spamming or posting in all-caps.
2:treat others like you want to be treated/ the golden rule.
3: mild romance is OK, just don't go to the point of having
 a bf or gf.
4: all rescreatu rules apply.
5:no violence!
species of creatu:
looks and personality.

I may not post often.
saying that is OK.

my form:
name: Lilli
species of creatu:  Trance stardust wyrae
looks and personality: Lilli
has 4 eyes,
a long, acidic tongue, likes rainbows, 
has the ears and tail of a wyrae,
and is kind, though she can become a bit mad or angry sometimes.
she also seeps acid.
crush: none

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