Four worlds imprisoned

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11:37pm Jun 7 2014 (last edited on 6:34pm Jun 13 2014)

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Posts: 698
Atquati, Relcore, Reiflem and Scria,
Peaceful planets, and the last ones at that.
One day a talented scientist named Mercades invented an amazing machine that could combine creatu, the presented it to the leader of Relcore, and used his two favorite creatu for it, but they died in the process, and it was a horrific sight, the leader of Relcore banned Mercades from inventing and gave her the lowest job on Relcore, but she still had an evil hope, after many years of trying, the evil grew more and more, she had finally finished the machine, but instead of combining creatu, she combined herself with a creatu, and became an ultimate mix, but, this process also corrupted her mind, and the evil inside it, she became MeikoMercades and swore on her oath that she would not rest until the planets were destroyed.
Many years had passed and she had imprisoned creatu to be her slaves or to be combined and get corrupted, the humans were now at the edges of the planets with terror, WE are the last hope for the planets survival. What will you choose? Freedom? or Death?

All Res rules~
No cursing or nudity~
Play nice~
If your going through and argument with someone, please do not bring it up on here, but do take it to rmail~
You may have up to three characters~
Respect other users~
There is no killing another's character unless you got permission, and if you want to kill off one of your characters, please rmail me and we can work something cool out~
I expect violence and blood, just don't get to graphic~
You are not to use pets that are dead/you HAD~
Romance is encouraged~
Follow all rules and bio set ups~
And most of all have fun~


You are to set them up like this,

History: (You do not have to put history if you do not want to)

I will be putting the people in the RP in a list, if you do not see your name on the list please rmail me,
SkittGirl is just as much responsible for this RP as I am, and I expect the same respect,
If you have any concerns or questions do not be afraid to rmail once again, and enjoy~<3

People In RP:

MeikoMercades is up for grabs for if anyone wants her as a character :3
The posting system will go in order with who is first and last with bios, for instance if I post my bio first, I post first, then the next and so on.

Takabro, Natural Shaefu (xXStormyXx)
TheStormOfRosez, Rose Zaphao (xXStormyXx)
BrokenPeace, Indigo mutant Veram (Skittygirl)
ChilledFlame, Azure mutant Meragon (Skittygirl)
FracturedStorm, Natural Zaphao (Skittygirl)
Confused, Albino Tesuri (Headache)


11:57pm Jun 7 2014 (last edited on 6:29pm Jun 13 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698
Here are my bios

One bio
Creatu: Shaefu
Name: Takabro (Nickname Taka)
Gender: Male
Age: Adolescent
Color: Natural
Personality: He likes to get into trouble when he knows he can get away with it, he is strong and caring for those close to him, and is very brave
History: Taka and his brother were rouges from when they were new born pups and there mother left them alone, they found an very old Shaefu who raised them up by the old way and rules. A few years later he ended up dying of sickness leaving Taka and his brother alone once again, they decided to start traveling, but they stepped into MeikoMercades' territory and Taka's brother got captured. Taka made it out barley alive, he got a large scar on his shoulder to prove it, all he wants is to meet someone who would travel with him, and help him free the captured Creatu.
Other: nothing yay~

Second bio
Creatu: Zaphao
Name: TheStormOfRosez (nickname Storm, Rose and Rosez)
Gender: Female
Age: Adolescent
Color: Rose
Personality:  fearless and strong, she can starts fights easily and is very teasing, she is a very strong willed Creatu who speaks her mind and doesn't give a who to what people say about her.
History: Rose was a loner Creatu who was found by a human, the human raised her and trained her with it's other Creatu. The day of MeikoMercades uprising, the human released all it's Creatu including Rose to be free from the evil figure, Rose ran like she never had before and was upset because she would never get to see her friends again. A little bit later she ran into a very old friend from when she was still the human's Creatu, she traveled with him for a while, but something wasn't quite right, he had been a test subject of MeikoMercades and was probably taking her to one of the labs. Rose split from her friend, distance twisting her heart and hoped she would never see another of her friends again, for they all must have been captured.
Other: She is a great fighter and an amazing liar, she has been hired in the past for hacking into big company's, she is an expert hacker.


12:17am Jun 8 2014 (last edited on 12:09pm Jun 8 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 239

Creatu: Veram
Name: BrokenPeace (Nicknames: BP, or whatever other ones pop up XD)
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Color: Indigo
Personality: Strong and protective. She refuses to give up on anything thing or one. Cares for all that are close to her. Also if you offend her friends she will go off on you. Offend her and she won't speak to you.
History: (none currently. may rp it out. idk)
Other: Due to her being a mutant she can use all her tails at once or seprately, and she is stronger than a normal veram.

Creatu: Meragon
Name: ChilledFlame (Nicknames: Flame, Chilled, any other ones that are rped out XD)
Gender: Female
Age: Adolescent
Color: Azure
Personality: Shy. She isn't very social and refuses to go in groups a lot. Once you have a group with her in it you have all her trust. Break that trust and she will run away and never speak to you or anyone else in that group again.
History: Abused as a hatchling and therefore refuses social activities (might rp more to this)
Other: Can run faster than the normal meragon due to her extra legs. Also more clumsy for the same reason.

Creatu: Zaphao
Name: FracturedStorm (Nicknames: Storm, or if you can get another one in that's great :))
Gender: Male
Age: Adolescent
Color: Natural
Personality: Has anger issues, but is soft at heart once you get to know him. He is quick to assume and hard to calm.
History: His anger issues and other stuff has come from the fact he came from a home of a drunk dad and a mom that was always at parties.
Other: At current nothing...might rp something or edit later.

hmm...that one thing....what was it that i- Oh hey look a skitty O.O

4:52am Jun 8 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,131
Name: Confused
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Personality: Despite her name, she is actually quite aware and intelligent; she got her name for her clumsiness as a child. She'd rather read a book then go flying or swimming, and is quite nice when you get to know her, although she's cold and aloof if you disturb her reading. She's not very boastful about her intelligence; although she should be. 
History: She originally hatched as an Iluvu, and was cute and clumsy. She grew up and her owner lended her to a good friend; who morphed her accidentally. The friend returned her hurriedly and her owner fell in love with her current species. Confused was put into her owners showroom and was treasured dearly. She was set free when her owner's showroom was raided by some cronies of MeikoMercades; her owner let her go quickly along with two other of her treasured pets. After a quick tearful goodbye, the three creatu fled from the showroom.
Other: She has grown close to the two other creatu despite their species. She has also grown stronger, to be able to carry them when they were ill.

I'll do the other 2 characters, soon.

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

9:00pm Jun 9 2014 (last edited on 6:27pm Jun 13 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698
(We'll start after someone takes in MeikoMercades as a character~<3)


6:27pm Jun 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698

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