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10:13pm Apr 3 2013

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Posts: 1,910
Runo stared at the hatchling. What an odd gift. She leaned in closer to the small hatchling, narrowing her eyes. She felt... touched by this. Are Deathstar and Shadow really trying to save the dragon race? Did they trust her with this small dragon? She lashed her tail gently, curling around the small creature. "I'm Runo," seh greeted, feeling sort-of awkward.

(sorry guys)

MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr

10:45pm Apr 3 2013

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Posts: 1,264
its ok  ill do a past post 

deathstar gave he thanks as  as he flew back off into the sky 

( short )

stardust looked up at his mother " who are you " he said i  a small squeaks as he stretched his small wings. " are you my mommy " the twinkle in  eyes sparkled as he looked at runo " can you take me outside i want to look at the stars " he said as he yawned from the late night as he snuggled aginst his new mother falling right to sleep 

( sorry its not great its late where i live )

Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!

6:54am Apr 4 2013

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Posts: 9,781
(I think it's good.)

    Shadow picked up the small girl and carried her to the cave where DeathStar healed himself. She set down the girl beside him and sat down near the entrance,watching for intruders,since she didn't want the two eggs to be stolen from her again.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

10:02am Apr 5 2013

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Posts: 1,910
Runo's eyes sparkled as she wrapped her wings around him, nestling her snout in the hatchling's neck. She was actually confused and frightened, not knowing really how to mother his infant. And why would the others give this little darkling to her? Sighing, she decided she would talk with Deathstar and Shadow tomorrow.

The yellow egg in Shadow's sack began to move and shake uncontrollably.

MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr

8:47pm Apr 5 2013

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Posts: 2,200
Missy wiped her eyes and sat, bored. After a bit she fell asleep and curled up by shadows side. 

9:04pm Apr 5 2013

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Posts: 1,264
stardust was covered by his mothers wings keeping him warm from the cold gloomy night. but he couldnt sleep, he had a mother and a nice home what more could he want. he finnally was tired enough to say " mommy i love you " he siad giving a small yawn crawling twords her stomach curling close beside to be warmer

deathstarr looked at the small girl as he saw she was board " whats wrong do you need  " he said as he gave a toothy smile. ill take you to the bunny feild in the morning if you like " he said in a happy voice as he humms an old ancient song heard by his mother when he was younger.

Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!

9:56am Apr 6 2013

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Posts: 2,200
Missy sat up and opened her eyes hearing this. "Where's that?" she asked sleepily. " Are there chocolate bunnys there? I like chocolate." she stated as her eyes began to shut. "Night." SHe whispered out before laying her head on deathstar to try and sleep.  

10:37pm Apr 7 2013

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Posts: 1,264
night my little hatchling " he said in a wisper as he rapped his tail around her falling asleep himself. the next morning cames as he landed in a feild with missy on his back. " he then let her off as he looked yonder. " look missy a chocolate bunny " he said pointing a claw at a small brown bunny " here ill get him for you" deathstar said as he laid his paw on the ground letting the small creature into his palm handing it to missy " one thing missy you cant eat him but you can keep him if you want. but you would have to care for him " he said in a quiet voice so he wouldn't scare it off

Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!

7:07am Apr 9 2013

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Posts: 9,781
    Shadow took out the egg and cradled it in her hand as the other egg
began to do the same. She pulled it out and cradled it before putting
them on the floor and taking off her cloak to wrap around them. Soon she fell asleep with her body curled around the eggs,arms resting close by.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

7:15am Apr 9 2013 (last edited on 7:16am Apr 9 2013)

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Posts: 2,200
"where are the ones that I can eat?" Missy asked confused " How come this one isn't able to eat? I looks yummy." She said starting to pout. "Chocolate tastes good!" She yelled before trying to eat the small bunny. 

4:15pm Apr 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,264
no no no missy you dont want to eat that one. " he said as he pulled a small chocolate bunny rapped in foil from under his wing. " here missy i found this in a nearby village for you" he said gently handing her the candy. " i hope it tastes good because it makes me sick " he said giving a snicker a he watched missy eat

Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!

5:51pm Apr 9 2013 (last edited on 6:01pm Apr 9 2013)

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Posts: 2,200
(sorry won't be on for a bit read my blog for more info)

"Yes!" Missy cried as she stuffed the chocolate in her mouth. "Then fell to the ground and started rolling and laughing. 

2:16am Jun 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,264
Deathstar smiled as she ate her chocolate " so you ready to go home missy it's getting real late" deathstar stretched his wings as he yawned " come little one we must go" 


Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!
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