High School AU RP

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5:52am May 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 198
or as Flash calls it, "beliebe in the heart of teh cards
 the highscchool story"

This is a private roleplay between
blackcrowking, Theyellowflash, and myself!


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text text text

other things???

Banner by Zerr.

5:52am May 22 2014 (last edited on 3:59pm May 22 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 198

main guys to rp:
beau, sin, ace, contrista

side ocs maybe:
arnette, urban, theodore, mason,

vaguely mentioned:
matt, oliver, olca

Beau | 10th grade | C-average student
Crowd: Devin, Sydney
Activities: None, so far.
Transportation: Walks or bikes. Lives close to school.
New student this year, says he moved from Louisiana. Routinely late to school in the morning. He often hangs out across the street in a small wooded area where the students all go to smoke cigarettes off school property. Dont' ask him what happened to his hair; he doesn't like to talk about it.

Tristan | 12th grade | C-D student, though grades may vary.
Crowd: None, really. Loner-ish due to his degenerate status. Sometimes seen with the 'darker' kids.
Activities: Sometimes helps out in the music department.
Transportation: Lil' Lisa. A beat up old car that often breaks down.
Usually attends school, but often skips classes throughout the day or just straightup leaves. Tends to break a lot of rules and often gets away with it unnoticed.

Aisha, otherwise dubbed "Ace" | 10th grade | B-D student, often held back in classes.
Crowd: Luke, Froze, literally everyone.
Activities: Field Hockey
Transportation: SKOOL BUS
Often needs tutoring and help with his homework. Struggles keeping his GPA high enough to play sports, however, a lot of teachers let him go easy because he an important sports player. Well known for crying when taking math tests.

Contristate | 9th grade | A-B student
Crowd: Crowley, Adam, Parra, Bonnie
Activities: Orchestra
Transportation: Bonnie drops her off and picks her up, usually. If not, then it's the bus.
Sort of anti social and hard to find. Often in the band room, probably practicing the violin.

Banner by Zerr.

5:55am May 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1

6:30am May 22 2014 (last edited on 1:44pm May 22 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,210
10th grade.Moved to uhmerica like two,three years ago.Has a giant house she throws constant parties in.Skips classes a lot,has a thick french accent,extremely rude and violent.
Hangs w Luke n Ace
12th grade.Has failed it like twice already.Grandmaster of the Potheads.Giant skinny hippie and rebel of small and mostly harmless proportions.Being shipped off to the military this summer.
Probably teaches the other students playing instruments in the grass in his free time.
Deimos & Phobos
10th &11th grade.Rich A++ students,brothers and general snobby arrogant dudes. Deimos is very closed off,has weird hobbies and just follows Phobs around like a lost puppy. Phobs on the other hand is just his usual talkative charismatic self, always gathers a crowd and is charming one girl or another.
Deimos can sometime be seen with Sinth(and stalking Crowley probs idk),Phobs is friends with Oly.

8th grade.Nervous Shy kid,Frozes younger brother.Quiet,but doesnt get bullied much cause Froze would probs murder anybody who would haha.He is under Protection.
Hangs with the orchestra kids.
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