The 2017 Rescreatu Time Capsule!

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6:24pm Nov 18 2017 (last edited on 6:29pm Nov 18 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 400
  1. Heeey Ressians!
  2. Currently sitting on my profile is a lovely Otachie named ResTimeCapsule2017!
  3. This pet is in honour of the original time capsule created 3 years ago, seen on this post here:
  5. Because I'm quite lazy, I copied the rules from the last time capsule so you get the idea of  what we are doing:

  6. So this is how my wee game goes; 
  7. Below you will simply comment "pick me!" And the creatu will be sent to you, to add an exciting wee thing to it's pet page. 
  8. This could be;
  9. -Your
     username, please write who you are when you put something on there,
    it'll be cool for the people in the future to see who existed around
  10. -A screenshot of something funny in the sb, 
  11. -Art of the creatu you may have drawn that we currently have (for all we know, there might be a new revamp) 
  12. -A short story on what the life of res is like, 
  13. -A descirption of other users you get along really well with, and why you appreciate them :) it paints that community image,
  14. -An idea of what you think Rescreatu will be like in five years time, that'd be pretty cool. 
  15. To
     staff; it'd be pretty awesome if you wrote on it too, saying your roles
     in the staff ranks and such, we never know if you're still here or not
    by the time 5 years rolls around! 
  16. Pretty much anything that could make someone smile, it's all up to your imagination! 
  17. Rules of the game; 
  18. Once
     I send you the pet and you're finished with it, send it back. This is
    so the pet doesn't go missing or get sent to an inactive account
    accidentally (this pet is precious heh) 
  19. Also no crass, rude comments, photos etc, make sure you do not edit what other users have written, or else that's pretty sad /:
  20. And finally, have fun!! I really hope this will be a cool game for us all, and for the future users of res!!

    This pet will then be put into a rancher/auctions for a period of time, then it will be showcased in a few years to everyone who is on the site <3

P.s. any advertising of this link on behalf of me, would be extremely appreciated ♥

Users who have participated;

User who has the pet:

Users who are in line:


10:07am Nov 28 2017

Normal User

Posts: 6
Pick me!

1:40pm Nov 30 2017

Normal User

Posts: 605
Pick me!

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!
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