Item to keep rarer books from breaking/stop them breaking as fast

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1:38am Oct 27 2020 (last edited on 1:40am Oct 27 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 110
I was thinking about all the super duper rare books and how probably most of them are going unread because of the rarity and how people may be scared to read them. 

Instead of making books not break or something, why not make an item to prevent them from breaking (or breaking as fast)?

Maybe in the craft shop or something, it can be a 'reinforced book binding kit' or something, and when used on a book, it'll keep it from breaking indefinitely (or instead it'll show how many more uses until the book can possible break again). 

Here's what I mean about the parenthesis messages:

Say I use the book binding kit on, I dunno, Terrible Trash because I just really love that book or something. Then, it'll have a durability rating and there could even be multiple kinds of the kit, some with more durability than a lower tier one. There could be a little message under the book descr*ption that says 'Book binding: 50/50 Durability' and with each read, it'll wear the durability down. But, for 50 readings to 50 creatu, it has 0% chance of breaking. Once the binding is worn down, then it'll have the normal chance of breaking like before! And there can be bindings that have more durability or less durability. 

In the Library, there would be another column in between the book and the 'yes/no' column that would show the durability left on a book's binding, if it has any! 


1:42am Oct 27 2020

Normal User

Posts: 91
Upvoting this :D

5:06am Nov 22 2020

Normal User

Posts: 48
Why even have text in the books if it might break using it

Why bother with a signature.

5:48pm Nov 22 2020

Normal User

Posts: 105
Honestly, agreed. I have one rare book that took some super expensive materials to craft and I'd be so pissed if I broke it, so I'm not using it unless I really want to get a pet's intellect up high
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