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3:50pm Apr 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6

tle">Chapter one "Creation"

Zamika blinked her eyes open. A yellow liquid rushed in them, making her shut them. Where am i? she pondered. She opened her eyes. The liquid did not hurt as it did before. She was in a long tube, In a lab. It streched from the ceiling to the floor. She had enough room to stretch out her arms, but not much more. As she was looking around at this new world a man entered through a small door to her right. He was older, Maybe mid 40's. He jumped when he saw her. He opened his mouth and gestured wildly to the door. Zamika could not hear what he said. She came closer to the gl*censored*, she laid her hands delicately on the gl*censored*. Men pored from the small door, crowding around her. She could tell  they were shouting but no sound came to her ears. The older man push through the other men. Yelling angrily at them. After they had all filed one by one out. The man turned to her. He started pointing at something in her tank. She turned to see what he was pointing at. On a small hook behind her was a pair of head phones. She picked them up and turned to the man. He nodded and motioned for her to put them on. As she did she heard the outside world. Which mostly consisted of the man's breathing.

"Hello, I'm Reneth. Your father." said the man.

 Zamika let out a hiss of rage. What was he trying to pull? "Let me go" she growled.

The man shook his head. "Your skin has not fully been protected yet. You must wait a few more days" 

Zamika glared at him. She raised her fist and hit the gl*censored* as hard as she could It made a ding noise and she pulled back her hand yelping in pain. 

"Its no use, That gl*censored* is to strong to break through. Its made from crystals."

Zamika payed him no heed. She kept hitting the gl*censored*. Suddenly the gl*censored* shattered, The yellow liqiud flooding the floor. Zamika was washed onto the ground. She got onto her knee's and stood on shaking legs. 

"No!" screamed the man running at her.

Zamika mind filled with panic. She stared at him, wishing secretly he would just leave her alone. He stopped dead in his tracks, his pupils dilating to small specks.He turned around as if under a spell. Zamika watched, this was her chance. She took off out the door. Stumbling on her weak legs. She came out onto a hall. The doors were open inside sat the younger men at a desk. One of them spotted her.

"She's escaped!" he yelled.

Zamika ran faster, shooting down the hall. She made a sharp turn into a closet and locked the door. She looked down at herself, she realized she was naked. Her skin was tinted yellow from the liquid in the tank. where am i? more importantly who am i? She looked around, It was a dusty little broom closet. It had a few towels and a mop. She quickly grabbed a towel and rapped herself in it. She rubbed her body dry, but her skin was still slightly yellow. 

The men pounded on the door. They jiggled the handle desperately trying to open the door. Why are they so upset? one of the men started to kick at the door.

 bbrrrm  bbrrrm bbrrm

 The door caved in, sending shards of wood flying everywhere. Zamika shrank back. I was all over now.



 I would love some comments or suggestions for this peice. Or if you have any questions feel free to ask.


10:25pm Aug 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 123
ok that was totally awesome

Boys are like trees...they take 50 years to grow up!

9:46am Aug 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 650

I love it. lol she was naked. GROSS!

ferniio made dem^^
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