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9:45pm Apr 4 2012

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Posts: 4,873

Daniell walked through the streets quickly, faster and faster with every step. She knew she was being followed. She made her way into an under ground ally.She took out her phone and smiled, she held it up to her ear and the grinn fadded away as a mad with black hair,glasses,and old torn cloth's appeared coming down the steps. She gaxe a cold beating stair as he made his way down. He pored some toxic green looking stuff into a a box of diffrent kinds of food and smiled. "You must be hungry little girl." he smirked slipping the glass of tixin's back into his pocket, he did't know what he had coming for him..She gazed at the box still stairing at him at the same time. "CALL 911 NOW!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and threw the phone down. She took her hands and wove them around swinging the man around from a few feet away, she threw them man into walls. He quickly passed out and appeared in a pich black space with a case of dolls he collected and torchered. He smiled brightly and  held his hands out trying to get to them. A pair of long black fingers appeared from behind him and drugg him back. He woke and grabbed his glasses from the floor. He stood up and took his phone out of his pocket and caled 911. "Call 911 NOW!" He mocked being sirriuse. A huge black man like figure with huge white glowing eyes. It appeared to be controlling or giving the little girl 'Daniell' theise powers, or was it possesing her? It sm against the wall again and again. A mist of smoke appeared from behind them and filled the room. It swung him against the wall again and again killing him.


Video and song that inspired me to wright this: tle="-" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cXDgFwE13g&feature=relmfu" target="_blank">Skrillex-First Of The Year {Equinox}


Thanks Skrillex for making such an eppicc song!

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

9:35pm Oct 15 2014

Normal User

Posts: 4

skrillex is awesome he make awesome songs

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