My Photos

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1:39pm Nov 10 2012 (last edited on 1:51pm Nov 10 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 116

Here I'm just going to post my photos. I'll post them unedited, and then with editing. :)
My camera is a Sony CyberShot, and I'm not sure what model it is. I'll post it sometime though incase you people are wondering.
Keep in mind it's about 3-4 years old. xD All pictures below are by me. I'm quite proud of them.


"Warm and soft, this blanket is fuzzy."
Yes, this is my blanket I sleep on. I zoomed in to one of the green areas, since it's crocheted with different colours.
Edited Version [x]


"My dog says woof."
This is a little figurine that I got at a garden store. It was $0.50.
Edited Version [x]

Clouds 1

Some clouds I took pictures of to cheer up Clouding's who's currently in the hospital after kidney failure.
I won't do edited version for these. I like nature to stay the way it is.

Clouds 2

More clouds I took pictures of.

Clouds 3

More clouds!

Clouds 4

Even more clouds!

I won\'t be on rescreatu ever again...I\'m sorry. D:
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