Looking for a 1x1 RP partner

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9:11am Mar 27 2014 (last edited on 1:35am Mar 29 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,100

As the ti
tle says.

Please post your likes and dislikes - as in RP topics - as well as an example of your work.  



11:08am Mar 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 292
Animal (any really)
Pixies and fairies
High school role play
Anything really
Really romantic
Lots of violence

(This is for a wolf role play!)

Storm woke up and stretched, he sniffed the air and felt it was warmer than usual. He jogged out of his den and saw pink flowers on the trees, pups playing outside. Wolves were eating breakbeats and then he freezes, there she was. Angel, a white and grey wolf, walked out of her den. Her glossy coat looking so shiny, but then Noctis walked up to her. Storm raced over listening to Noctis, nothing interesting just bossing her around. "Hey Angel! What are you up today? Maybe we can go hunting together?" Storm asked. Angel smiled and replied "Sure Storm, maybe we can also go swimming in the lake." Noctis smiles back and nodded his head. He raced to the pile and took the last buck and pulled it away, he saw out of the corner walk up to the pile and frown, no food. "Angel! You can come eat with me!" Noctis shouted, Angel looked over and raced to him digging in quickly. When they had finished, Angel smiled shyly and said thanks. Walking away she went to her friends. Noctis sighed, he was happy. Later on he walked up to Angel, "Hey, you want to go swimming with us?" Angel asked. "Sure!" Noctis replied. They raced and Noctis lept of the edge and landed in the refreshing water, he saw Angel jump off too and went to her. Splashing past her friend he splashed her.

I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!

11:15am Mar 27 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,100

Our likes and dislikes are almost precisely opposite lol.

And sorry but your writing standard isn't what I'm looking for.


11:28am Mar 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 292
:( Worth a shot. -sigh-

I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!

1:44pm Mar 28 2014 (last edited on 1:48pm Mar 28 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
Anything out of the ordinary (superpowers, monsters etc.)
All pairings gender wise (MxM, MxF, FxF)

RPing as animals
Dull highschool RPs (Normal humans with no exciting happenings)

Example: (This is from an alien RP over email.)

Axel cocked his head to the side when the boy said to loosen up. He quickly found out the boy's name was Eric. Just as Axel thought of something to say, Eric continued to talk. He questioned the way the boy commented on his looks, but the last thing caught him off guard. Did he know my secret already? Was it that easy to figure out?! Axel asked himself, having a small panic attack in his head. 

He cleared his throat. "I am most definitely not from outer space." Axel laughed nervously. "And I'm from," Axel thought for a second, going over every state, trying to remember all of they're climates. "Colorado." He hesitated. He sighed, hoping the human was convinced he too was human. Axel looked back up at Eric and sat up strait. "Just because my vocabulary is inferior to ours, does not mean I'm from outer space." he said and slouched back down into the seat.

The rest of the bus ride Axel was silent. As the bus stopped at the school, Axel looked at Eric once more. "I'm sorry. I had no right to be rude to you. Your vocabulary is completely fine!" He said and darted off the bus. He was hoping that he wouldn't have to see Eric again. This kid was on the verge of figuring out his secret. Or so Axel thought.

The school was absolutely amazing! Axel pranced happily to his first class. Seeing that he already memorized his schedule before he came, meant not being known as the kid that got lost before every class. He was the first one to arrive to class and decided he was to sit in the back. Maybe he wouldn't get noticed that much if he wasn't in everyone's range of sight. Since the bell still had five minutes before it rang, he decided he would check on things back home. Axel put his wrist onto the desk, revealing a thick silver bracelet that was outlined in white. He tapped on the top of the bracelet, causing weird looking tran to show up. It definitely looked like it was from outer space. The only thing in english was "welcome back Tilltrius."


1:47pm Mar 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,100
Sorry angel, but that's not the standard of writing I'm looking for.

1:49pm Mar 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
May I ask what you mean by standard or writing?


2:01pm Mar 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,100

Um.  No offence but how can u not know what writing means? O.o

And standard means . . . well quality, like.


2:07pm Mar 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
I'm sorry I meant to type Standard OF writing, not or. ^^" Sorry.

And, okay, so heres the deal. That was from a role-play from about a year ago. I can type bigger and more lengthy responses then that, and I can also write a lot less. My role-play styles range and differ widely depending on the other person I'm role-playing with. 

I don't mean to pry, so if you still don't want to RP with me, thats quite alright, but I just wanted to let you know. :)


2:10pm Mar 28 2014 (last edited on 2:11pm Mar 28 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,100

I meant that the quality isn't good enough.  (That sounds harsh - Sorry)

And if I was posting on a thread like this I wouldn't put an example of my work from ages ago which isn't as good as I can do. xD

Have a more recent example?


2:28pm Mar 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
(Okay here is a recent one. Sorry about the other one. Though this one isn't very lengthy either.)

Laying on the hard cement, the dark haired boy crinkled his nose as a small droplet of water landed in the center of his face. Kenny reluctantly sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He had a big day ahead of him, he couldn't possibly just sleep through it. That's right. It was the day that all the mutants met up. Having said, Kenny was quite excited. It was a rare occasion that this teenager got excited, but this was no little event. This could lead to fate of the world. To ending the everlasting tyranny that Zetheron had brought among the humans. Ever since he discovered the mutants, since he discovered they were a threat, he's been hunting them down. Though life on the run wasn't always the best lifestyle, it had its benefits. No rules. That was Kenny's favorite part about it. 

It had only been about fifteen minutes since Kenny awoke from his asphalt bed. He had fallen asleep in an alleyway last night, which he now realized wasn't the best idea. He felt stiff and had dirt all over himself. "Great. It'll only be the first impression and they'll already think I'm mutated with a street rat." He sighed, scratching the back of his head. Slowly, Kenny rose to his feet, flicking his tail. This part of his mutation was something he couldn't hide, unlike his wings. Brushing off his hoodie, He walked into the street, checking for soldiers. Then, of course, out of the corner of his eye, Kenny spotted one. "Damn." He muttered under his breath. He started running the opposite way, not checking if there was a soldier that way. I bet you can guess what happened next. Kenny run face first into a soldier. This guy was at least a few feet taller than himself. Being 5'10, this was quite intimidating. Instantly the soldiers knew he was a mutant and began to approach their prey. Kenny looked at his wrist, pulling up his sleeve, as if to look at a watch. "Opps, looks like it's time for me to leave." He chuckled, extending his large wings. It looked almost like they had came out of thin air. He jumped off the ground, getting a head start into the air. Looks like he was flying to the meeting.

Kenny was there in few minutes, seeing as air was the fastest route. The meeting place was a small abandoned warehouse. Frankly, it wasn't that bad. It might have been better if he had slept there, but that's Kenny for you. Never making it easy. He sat on a crate inside the warehouse, waiting for the others. This was going to be a long and hard journey. If these guys don't reconize that, he's going to make it clear. Kenny was determined to change the world, even if it ment dying in the process. 


2:33pm Mar 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,100

I'm wavering.


2:37pm Mar 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
Okay. Take your time. ^^ Let me know when you have decided. 

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