Teenage Romance (Avo and Dragonstar)

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7:49am Jan 21 2017 (last edited on 7:53am Jan 21 2017)

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"I've fallen in love!" something a teenager says too much and too easily, leaving adults to shake their head. How do they know they're in love? They don't even know what love is. But who wrote the book? How they know they're love? What is love? Until they see this book, these teens will go out and be loved by him/her.

This is 17/18 year olds, taking place inside and outside of school.
Hopefully this will last to get to college. :p

Bio ≡ ŀ
Name ≡ ŀ 
Age ≡ ŀ  
Gender ≡ ŀ 

Appearance ≡ ŀ 
Personality ≡ ŀ 

History ≡ ŀ 

Pet ≡ ŀ (Optional)
Other ≡ ŀ 


7:50am Jan 21 2017 (last edited on 6:38am Jan 22 2017)

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Name ≡ ŀ Asher Kyle Austin
Age ≡ ŀ Seventeen 
Gender ≡ ŀ Male

Appearance ≡ ŀ 
Asher has medium length hair that is either messy or gelled up in a quiff. His eyes are a light blue, but seem grey from a distance. His ears are a bit pointed at the top and he is more hairier than a normal male human would be.  
Personality ≡ ŀ Asher is an easy to get along guy. He is willing to listen people, and he's also willing to give advice to people who are struggling. He jokes around a lot, but can be positive and serious. He's very adaptable to his surroundings and easily keeps negative emotions inside him. He can be very cocky as well. 

History ≡ ŀ He has parents, but they don't get along very well. He's better with his brother, Hale. They left home awhile ago.

Pet ≡ ŀ
Image result for rottweiler
Ruby is a female Rottweiler and one of the sweetest dogs you'll ever meet. She is very friendly, and very protective over Asher. She adores him, as much as he adores her.
Other ≡ ŀ Enjoys exploring with Ruby. 

Name ≡ ŀ Hale Austin
Age ≡ ŀ Eighteen 
Gender ≡ ŀ Male

Appearance ≡ ŀ 
Image result for good looking man
Hale is a good looking guy. He's tall and has a firm build. He usually slicks his black hair back and has the eyes the same as Asher. Usually wears jeans and tshirt with some sneakers, very plain.
Personality ≡ ŀ Hale is less fun than Asher. He is more serious and regrets making choices that could lead them to danger. It's a dangerous world, and Hale doesn't want Asher, or himself, to be in danger. 

History ≡ ŀ Hale adores his parents, but as Asher didn't get along with them and Asher was going to leave, he left with Asher. Promising his parents that he would keep their youngest son safe, and they would visit as often Hale could get Asher to.

Pet ≡ ŀ 
Image result for Pit Bull
Princess. A female Pit Bull who is very aggressively unless called off by Hale or Asher. Prefers Hale over Asher.
Other ≡ ŀ Likes to spend his time fixing up cars or motorcycles. 


2:05pm Jan 21 2017 (last edited on 8:26pm Jan 24 2017)

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Name ≡ ŀ Jovanie St. Sterling
Age ≡ ŀ  Seventeen
Gender ≡ ŀ Female

Appearance ≡ ŀ Jovanie has mossy green eyes with lighter green flecks around their pupils. They are also a little wide, giving her an innocent appearance. She has rich chocolate hair with faint golden undertones. Her hair is really long, the ends brushing just above her butt, and extremely curly (think ringlets). It frames her heart-shaped face perfectly. To go with her hair and eyes, Jovanie has a coppery-olive skin tone with a relatively clear complexion; not too many pimples to worry about. She stands about five foot three without shoes on. However, she gains about an inch when she wears sneakers. She also weights about 115lbs, but doesn't have a whole lot of muscle mass. Jovanie has extremely poor eyesight, wearing black, underwire corrective lenses that she often pushes up her nose. She also likes to wear warm coloured clothing that she can feel really comfortable in. 
Personality ≡ ŀ Jovanie can be extremely scatterbrained, often doing really important work at the last second because she either forgot, or was distracted. She does not have ADHD, she is just not uber hyper. Though, Jovanie is very clumsy. Most of the bruises she gets are from bumping into things or not paying much attention to her surrounding. She is also very sheltered and grew up very much unaware of anything bad so she always sees the "good" in everybody. Because of that, she is also very naive, almost innocently so. She gets taken advantage of sometimes. Jovanie is very smart, book-smart, not street-smart. She is very good at academics because of her book-smarts. Jovanie can also be very sassy to people she is comfortable around.

History ≡ ŀ Shortly after she was born, her mother was diagnosed with postpartum depression and ended up killing herself. However, as she grew older, her father told her that she was killed in an auto accident and Jovanie never questioned it further. Her father, Lukas, never remarried after than, preferring to raise his daughter himself whilst working for his estranged father Jacob Sterling.

Pet ≡ ŀ N/A
Other ≡ ŀ Jovanie is bilingual, speaking both German and English.


Jovanie is a new character, and made seven years older. If she acts like an adult instead of a teenager, tell me.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


6:58am Jan 22 2017

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Posts: 1,324
(Changed ages. Realized I didn't change them, oops.)


Asher strolled through the school's open doors and glanced around. It was a new year, just two more years left and then he was out and done with school. He looked at the students standing in the halls chatting, collecting things from their locker or walking past, getting to their classes as soon as possible.

He glanced over some younger girls, probably their first year of high school, who giggled as he strolled past with his backpack full of books and new stationery. He climbed the stairs and grinned when he found his locker, which wasn't next to the boy's bathroom like last year. He took his textbooks out lazily and arranged them by subject. A preppy blonde haired girl in a short cheerleader looking outfit looked over him.

"Ash is it?" she asked, twirling her hair. He just chuckled, "It's Asher, but move along sweetheart." he said to the girl, her name was Nikki or something like that. He grabbed the books he needed for the first three periods and stuffed into his bag and slammed his locker, locking it and turning around.

He bumped into a girl, with black glasses. "Sorry." he mumbled not even looking over her, she didn't look like his type, and carried on to look for his idiot of a brother.


Hale switched off his motorbike and swung his leg over before roughly pulling his shirt back down. He had left a little late and walked through the school doors as the bell rang. He breathed a sigh of relief, just one more year to get through and he would be done. His last year, meant that their would be a senior dance. He would need a date.

Hale looked around at the girls. He had never given much thought about a girlfriend, to be honest. He looked over them once or twice, but none of them caught his eye. He watched Asher walk towards him with a grin on his face. "This is the year, brother." he said, clapping him on his back.

Hale tensed, "Don't remind me." he replied. "We'll get you a girl in no time, I mean look at all of them checking you out." Asher said, grinning. Hale glanced around and a frown settled upon his face. "They looking at you Asher." Hale said, rolling his eyes. Asher frowned back, "What about if you asked Katie? Or Alaska?" Asher asked, dropping his voice to a whisper.

Hale had always liked Alaska. They were good friends as kids, but they drifted apart. He hasn't spoken to her much, always watched her from a distance really. "What about her?" Hale asked, looking towards a girl with black glasses. Asher looked, "I bumped into her, I heard her name was Jovanie or something." he said, but then laughed. "Forget her. Shall we go find Alaska?" Asher asked.

Hale looked at the girl before looking at Asher again. "Okay." he sighed, he would talk to that girl one day. She looked nice.


9:37pm Jan 22 2017

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Jovanie was in a very scatterbrained mood this morning. She had already backtracked to get her messenger bag, twice to get the two heavier textbooks that wouldn't fit in the small bag, her phone once (thankfully), but as her father pulled up to her high school, she realized that she also forgot her lunch. Jovanie was tempted to pull out her chocolate ringlets, but her father handed her a ten dollar bill.

"Here, Jo," he said, preventing her from doing exactly what she wanted to do. She took it with a grateful smile and tucked it into a small pocket on the outside of her messenger bag.

"You want change?" she asked as she unbuckled her seat belt and gathered her books.

"No, keep it," he said.

Jovanie nodded. The school had some vending machines, so if she was hungry, she could get some snack. "See you later, dad," she said, opening the door and stepped out. As soon as she closed the door, he drove off and she waved.

Jovanie was quick to to get to her locker and load it up with her supplies. After that, she placed the items she needed for her first couple classes in her messenger bag. However, just as she closed her locker, a figure ran into he and jostled her glasses down her nose so she couldn't make out the gender.

"Oh, it's okay," she muttered, pushing the glasses back up so she could see, but the male was already gone.

Green eyes narrowed slightly before she walked off to her first class.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


11:03am Jan 24 2017

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Asher led his brother down the hall, he knew where Alaska and the rest of the popular girls hung out. "You okay?" Asher asked his brother, who had slowed down. "Yeah." he replied briefly, Asher frowned but carried on. He nodded at the few people he knew. 

The truth? Asher didn't have many friends. He was seen as this popular bad boy, but Asher never felt popular. He felt lonely. He carried on, and was soon greeting the girls. "Ladies." he said. "Asher." they greeted, smiles going around.

Asher stepped to the side, and Hale stepped forward. "Alaska?" Hale asked, glancing around for her face. "Hale?" a pretty girl asked. Asher watched the two closely. Alaska was very interested, Hale looked like he didn't care.

The bell rang. Asher said goodbye to the girls and pulled Hale along and ducked into an open classroom. "Hale? What's up?" Asher asked, watching for anything that could show Asher what his brother was thinking. 

"Nothing Asher, gosh." Hale said roughly. Asher flinched back, there was no use of nicknames. "Oh." Asher said, before backing out the classroom. "Asher, no." Hale began and reached out a hand.

Asher flinched back again. He reversed into the hall filled with students and ignored people that shouted at him. Asher hurried to his English class. He sat down in a desk as he got into the class, he was breathing heavily and he noticed he was breathing heavily. Did he run to class?

He got his books and pencil case and dug around before finding his glasses case. He had run out of contact lenses this morning and didn't pick up any at the store. He put them on his face and hung his head down, looking at the bruises that were scattered along his knuckles.


Hale watched as Asher jogged down the hall, dodging people. Hale groaned and covered his face with hands before looking up again to see his brother gone. Hale picked up his backpack that was lying on the ground and saw a paper lying on the floor.

He picked it up, and recognized Asher's handwriting and drawing technique. He looked over the drawing, and the words filled with hate. Hale shoved it in his bag and walked towards his Math class, shaking slightly.

He sat in a desk and dug out a pen and exam pad. "You okay?" Alaska asked, who sat down next to him. "Er, yeah." Hale mumbled. Alaska looked over him. "Hale, is Asher still? You know?" Alaska asked, uncertain of the words to choose. Hale nodded.

Alaska frowned. "Do you want me to talk to him?" Hale shook his head. "Do you want to talk to me about it?" Alaska asked. Hale looked over her, watching her face. She wasn't joking. "Er, yeah. That would be, nice. Thanks." Hale said, a frown settling upon his face. 

Hale tried to concentrate during classes but school went by quickly. He grabbed a table by the trees and waited for Alaska to come out, but caught sight of the girl he had seen earlier today. He got up and grabbed his backpack, running up to her.

"Hey. Hey!" Hale said, stopping in front of her. "You're Jovanie, right?" he asked, smiling slightly down at her. He watched Alaska sit down at the table he was at previously, who was watching him.


8:26pm Jan 24 2017

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Posts: 5,310


End of school day, right? If not, lemme know and I'll change it to lunch or something.


The school day passed quickly, and uneventful. Jovanie was always sure to keep her head down during classes, and the detailed notes were self-evident of how serious she took her studies. At the end of the day, after the last bell rang and students flooded out of the various entrances, Jovanie stood at her locker, going through her reminders a third time to make sure she had all her homework. When she did have everything, she smiled to herself, pushing her glasses up her nose again, and slung her messenger bag over her shoulder.

She kept her phone in her hand so she could ask her father if he was going to be able to pick her up, or if she should take the bus home. As she was awaiting his response, a male student came up to her.

At first, he surprised her and she squeaked. Like a little mouse. However, as she stared at this new male and his light blue eyes, she realized his was asking if her name, was in fact, her name. And in a combination of staring at this male (who was very good-looking), her mouse squeak, and that it had been a good three minutes of silence, her face flamed in a blush.

"Ja," she said, speaking German instead of English.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


12:38pm Jan 25 2017

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Posts: 1,324

Asher breathed out in relief as the bell ring and he got up from his seat. He picked his bag off from the floor and swung it over his shoulder and lazily walked to his locker, deep in thought. He collected the books he needed and walked outside, shading his eyes with his hands.

He looked over to where the buses were and groaned. "You got to be kidding." he muttered under his breath. He had missed the bus. He looked around him, everyone had gone home and Thebes's car park was just about empty. 

Asher punched the wall behind him and shook his hand, glancing over at the bruises scattered across his fist. He clenched and then unclenched his fist, covered his hand with his jacket, and hurried down the steps. 

He started to walk home. He was grumpy and his hand was hurting him, so Asher wasn't in a great mood when he found out that he had no keys with him.


Hale looked over the girl curiously. "Okay." he said, silently laughing as she blushed. "Well, I'll see you around." he said, giving her a wave and walking off to Alaska.

"Don't ask." Hale said, groaning as she raised an eyebrow at him. "So, what's going on?" Alaska asked curiously, watching him.

Hale began to explain everything that had happened in the last year. "That's rough." Alaska said, grabbing his hand over the table. Hale shifted, pulling away, "Er, yeah."

They carried on talking for a bit before Hale decided it was time to get going. He got on his motorbike and hurried home and was surprised to see Asher sitting on the step.

Hale unlocked the door and asked, "Forget your keys?" His brother barged past him, ignoring him, and Hale heard his brother slam the bedroom door and sighed.


10:40pm Jan 27 2017

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Posts: 5,310


Sorry for taking so long to respond! Busy week with school and work.


Oh fudge-nuggets. She forgot how to English and responded with an affirmative in German. He probably thought she was strange and her blush intensified even though he was no longer near her. The vibration of her phone distracted her. With a start, she checked the device, seeing a message from her father that said he was within five minutes of the school.

She smiled, and responded that she would be waiting at the usual spot. Clutching the phone between her hands, she walked off.

Just as her father said, within five minutes, she was already sliding into the passenger seat of the vehicle.

"How was school?"

"Gut. Ich habe eine menge hausaufgaben, so muss ich auf sie nach dem abendessen beginnen," Jovanie responded with a tired sigh. Good. I have a lot of homework, so I'll need to get started on it after dinner.

Her father looked at her sideways. "Did your brain short-circuit again?" he asked jokingly. When Jovanie responded with another German affirmative, he laughed heartily. "It's been a couple years since that happened. Think you can do all your homework in English?" Jovanie nodded.

When they arrived home, Lukas started working on dinner whilst Jovanie headed up to her room to start working on her homework.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


2:01pm Jan 29 2017 (last edited on 3:42pm Feb 4 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
Ooc; Hiya. Sorry, I've also been pretty busy. Training for athletics every day of the week after school and then on weekends as well. Might be taking a break from athletics, I've busted my knee. :c
I posted earlier, and then the whole wifi switched off and it didn't post. So annoying. And then I couldn't recover it. :/


Asher slammed his door shut. He wasn't sure why he was so mad. He wasn't sure why his room was a pigsty as well, and what was that smell?

Asher lifted the covers of his bed to find a piece of pizza, it amazes him how he never smelt it before. He ripped his curtains open and let the windows open. His room was looking better already.

Asher hurried to the kitchen to grab a bin bag, a laundry basket and a tray and started cleaning his room.

He took the black bin bag and started cleaning around, throwing away old papers, snack packets, cool drink bottles, anything he found really beforehand moving onto the tray where he stacked plates, mugs and cutlery.

Asher stripped his bed and placed it in the laundry basket, picking clothes up off the floor and repacking his cupboard neatly. He packed the books crowding his bedside table away onto the bookshop and straightened the files aboveboard his desk.

He looked at his desk and grabbed all the papers and arranged them into projects, homework, tests information and sport stuff. He found his Lagos hiding underneath and plugged it in. He found some stationery and packed it into an empty pencil case and glanced around his room.

It was clean.

He grabbed the bin bag and tossed it into the trash bin outside, collected the mail, put all his clothes into the washing machine and packed the plates, mugs and cutlery into the sink to be washed after dinner.

Asher started on his homework as he heated the pot for mac and cheese. The washing machine soon beeped and Asher grabbed the wet clothes and hung it up outside on the washing line before giving the mac and cheese a glance over.

Soon enough, Asher's homework was done and he packed his stuff away neatly and served the mac and cheese. "Hale! Dinner!" Asher's shouted to his brother.


Hale pushed himself off the chair lazily, rubbing his eyes. He smelt mac and cheese and hurried down the hall, smiling at Asher's clean room. He grabbed a bowl and sat down at the dining table, eating his share quickly.

"Thanks." Hale said, before walking to the bathroom to take a shower. After stripping his clothes off, showering an changing into some sweats. Hale peeped into the kitchen to see Asher finishing up washing the dishes. 

He walked back down the hall, to his room to finish some last homework. He ruled a line neatly at the end of his work and climbed into bed, listening to the shower running and then being turned off. 

Hale snuggled down into the duvet, turned of the light, and went to sleep.


10:02pm Feb 2 2017

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Posts: 5,310

Jovanie had her homework halfway done when her father called her down for dinner. As soon as she entered the kitchen, the smell of vegetables and crayfish. She hummed with appreciation as she sat and her father handed her a well-proportioned plate. The  Leipziger Allerlei smelled delicious. 

"Smell good?" Lukas asked with amusement as he watched as his daughter practically press her nose into the meal.

Jovanie blushed, straightened her spine, and nodded.

After a silent moment, they dug into the meal.

When dinner was over, Jovanie helped out with the dishes before heading back up to her room. She finished her homework pretty quickly, having a nice full belly. After a quick shower and leaving in leave-in conditioner after briefly wetting her chocolate ringlets, she went to bed.

[[ sorry for somewhat lame post... o3o ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


4:08am Feb 5 2017

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Posts: 1,324
Ooc; No worries. Things start to calm down next week and we have wifi now. c:


Asher woke up early the next morning and groaned. It was only Tuesday. He lazily got up from his bed and pulled the curtains open, opened the windows and made his bed.

He hopped in the shower, quickly cleaning himself and pulled a comb through his hair. He wrapped a towel around his waist and went to his room, looking through his cupboard.

He glanced outside and saw clouds covering the sky and decided on a pair of black jeans and a white shirt, before putting on blue shirt that he left unbuttoned and light tan jacket. He pulled on some blue sneakers, put the key he always had around his neck and quickly wrapped a grey scarf around his neck and nodded at himself in the approval.

He put some toast down and buttered, eating it and placing his plate in the sink. His long legs took him to the bathroom where he brushed his teeth. Asher packed the last few things into his rucksack filled with books and pulled it over his shoulder. 

He banged on his brother's door, "Get up Hale!" he shouted and walked out the front door so he wouldn't have to see his older brother. Outside the gate were two figures, a man smartly dressed in a suit for work and a woman in a dress. As Asher got closer, he saw it was. 

"Mom? Patrick?" Asher called out. "Pat's just fine." the man said back. "Patrick." Asher grunted in reply. The woman came through the gate and moved to hug Asher. Asher stepped back, feeling awkward. "Asher." Patrick said, extending his hand. Asher blinked at it.

"Hale's inside." Asher muttered and walked past them, and walked to school to clear his mind.


Hale was just putting a jersey over his collared shirt when somebody knocked on the door. "One minute!" he shouted, running to the bathroom to brush his teeth and comb his hair. He opened the door and was surprised to his mom and Pat. "Mom." Hale said, smiling and giving her a hug. "Pat." Hale shook hands with his step-dad.

"Come inside! How are you?" Hale stepped inside, guided them into the kitchen and put the kettle on. "Oh, we won't be long." his mom said. "I've got half an hour, might as well." Hale glanced at his watch and made them all a cup of coffee.

"What's up?" Hale asked, sitting at the table. "It's Asher." his mom said.

Hale frowned, "What now?" Pat sighed, "We want you guys to move back in." Hale blinked, "I would love to, but it won't work." 

"We'll make it work!" Pat shouted, hitting the table. Hale looked over him. "Why is this so important?" Patrick looked at his mom. "Your mom is sick Hale. We don't know how much time is left."

Hale looked at Patrick dead in the eye. "I know Patrick. Asher will come around soon, he's getting better. I'll talk to him tonight." Hale said. "But he's not ready right now. He's happier living here, his grades are getting better, he's doing his homework. He cleaned his room."

Hale's mom looked at him, "What are his grades now?" she was sniffling, Hale grabbed the tissue box and gave it to her. "He's been getting B's." His mom looked at Hale, and then Patrick.

"Leave it then. If Asher is doing well and is happy, without us-" his mom started but was cut off. "No Anne. It has to work." Patrick said.

"Patrick, just give him some time." Hale said, "I need to get going." Hale mumbled. He grabbed the mugs and placed it in the sink. Hale went to his room and got his bag, and they were gone when he went back to the kitchen to get his keys.

He locked the door, started his motor bike and went to school.

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