Shapeshifters (Tinky + CH)

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5:27pm Jul 4 2016

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Posts: 7,283
Woot woot. Our plot is simple. Shapeshifters in highschool, both of us playing two characters.

I don't mind how simple or complex your bio is but I'm doing these roleplays to create better characters so mine are going to be pretty basic. Because I'm literally making some new ones right now lol. When I have the chance, I'll put them in another post. 


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4:22am Jul 5 2016 (last edited on 10:09am Jul 7 2016)

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Posts: 1,324
cool, cool! 
Here's my bio, copied from another role play. :)
(Just need to add in their forms...)

Name ≡ ŀ Asher Kyle Austin
Age ≡ ŀ Sixteen
Gender ≡ŀ Male

Species ≡ ŀ Shapeshifter
Base form ≡ ŀ Human
Animal form(s) ≡ ŀ Tiger, Deer, Fish Eagle

Appearance ≡ ŀ
Asher has medium length hair that is either messy or gelled up in a quiff. His eyes are a light blue, but seem grey from a distance. He's very well-built from his sport, or more likely running from campus police. 
Personality ≡ ŀ Asher is an easy to get along guy. He is willing to listen people, and he's also willing to give advice to people who are struggling. He jokes around a lot, but can be positive and serious. He's very adaptable to his surroundings and easily keeps negative emotions inside him. He can be very cocky as well. 

History ≡ ŀ He always stayed in a small town and went to the local high school, Silvercreek Academy. Asher pulled a couple pranks and was expelled, he then got into Oakleaf Academy (lucky he's sporty and has good grades) and his sister went with. They're almost never apart, she wouldn't let him leave without her.
Sport ≡ ŀ Doesn't take a school sport, prefers to train himself.

Family ≡ ŀ His father, Chris, an older brother, Kyle, his sister, Haley, and their dog, Bear, and their lazy cat, Autumn.
Other ≡ ŀ Nope. :)

Name ≡ ŀ Haley (Sophia)* Austin
*It was Sophia, her mom's name, until their mom left and she changed her name.
Age ≡ ŀ Sixteen
Gender ≡ŀ Female

Species ≡ ŀ Shapeshifter
Base form ≡ ŀ Human
Animal form(s) ≡ ŀ Tiger, Deer, African Fish Eagle
*Because they're twins, I'm going to give them same forms?

Appearance ≡ ŀ
Haley is an average looking girl, I guess. She has medium length hair that is usually in a ponytail. She his similar eyes to her brother, except hers have a more green tinge in them. She's an average height, and well built.
Personality ≡ ŀ Like her brother, she gets along with people well. She adapts herself to different people's situations and personalities. She enjoys joking and fooling around with her brother. She is smart, along with her brother. The are very similar, but dislike people pointing that out.

History ≡ ŀ Haley is just as bad as her brother. She was very close to being expelled, but Asher got their first. She left with Asher as she wasn't staying in that rubbish school without him.
Sport ≡ ŀ No school sport, trains with Asher.

Family ≡ ŀ Her father, Chris, an older brother, Kyle, her brother, Asher, and their dog, Bear, and their lazy cat, Autumn.
Other ≡ ŀ Nope. :)


8:13pm Jul 5 2016 (last edited on 2:21pm Jul 6 2016)

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Posts: 7,283
Name: Willow (Willa) Dibs

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: All my characters are new but I do have a main idea of who I want them to be. Willow is a tender girl, with not much experience in her back pocket. I know I want her to have some determination in her, some contrast between her small look but fight in her blood. But she's innocent, and this journey of hers, being a shapeshifter who has no control in her animal form, is a story of her eyes seeing things she never even could imagine before. 

The sight of blood, a corpse of any animal or thing, those kind of things make her afraid and sick and heartbroken. She's fragile. But I like that because that doesn't mean she isn't brave enough to still search and discover more about her own ability, and there's a special contrast in that. 

Human Appearance: 

<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
This looks like a dream… I’d love to be there right now.
<br />

You can't see her face but I just see a lot of Willow. Willow aesthetic. I see a lot of her here, like an exploring, curious sort of girl. She's petite and short. Small upturned nose because I see that in the photo and it's super cute. Short hair, usually a messy bun, because that's super cute too. She is gonna be cute. A cutie pie that can turn into a bloody killer.

Animal Appearance: 


Backstory: Willa began shapeshifting during age 16. I'll hopefully figure out why during this roleplay lol. For now, it'll be because her mother became a shapeshifter at 16, so the genetics kicked in for Willa at the same day and time. 

Willa is an only child with her father, Jared. When Willa was born, her mother accidentally lost control in hyena form and almost hurt Willa. It was a false alarm but it was just enough of an alarm to worry both parents. It was then decided that Jared would take Willa and leave her mother, for the safety of the child. 

Willa doesn't know the details of this story though. In her eyes, her mother just left her when she was young. Jared wanted to hide as much knowledge about shapeshifters as possible from her. 

She, like her mother, doesn't have control over these new abilities, especially abilities that involve turning into dangerous animals. She's vulnerable. She has no one to go to, not realizing that Jared is aware of the existence of shapeshifters. She's very new to this part of the world and too innocent to understand all of it entirely. 


Name: Lake Belser

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: He’s even newer than Willa so I don’t know much about him at all. I have some foundation of him though. I do want him to be confident, in himself, his shapeshifting abilities, his interactions, etc. However, he shouldn't be. He’s also clumsy and doesn’t watch his back enough. He’s been in way too many scenarios where someone swears they saw him shapeshift. He’s the kind of guy that gets too confident and ends up falling on his face because of it. But he’s brave, the daredevil type, especially as a way to get attention. He does more stunts than he should in his animal and human forms, his foot is usually always in his mouth, he’s got a bruise somewhere on his body at all times, but somehow thinks he’s doing okay in life. Pretty much, he's more book smart than street smart.

*This is subject to change when I write my introduction and actually get to know the guy. I just didn't want to put "working on it" as a personality haha.*

Human Appearance:

Pretty much Milo Ventimiglia as Jess in Gilmore Girls.

Animal Appearance (2): 

Snowy Owl

and a Milk Snake

Backstory: Yeah he’s too new to have anything specific. I have some little ideas though that I’ll bring in as the roleplay goes. Let’s just say he’s got a normal life aside from shapeshifting for now, and hopefully the roleplay will help me develop the character more for the future.

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12:59am Jul 6 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
Nice, nice! :)


8:45am Jul 6 2016

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Posts: 7,283

Woot woot! I guess we can start! I won't be on until later today so my intro will be up in a couple hours. 

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8:50am Jul 6 2016

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Posts: 1,324
Okay. I'm at the hospital, so will only be on later as well. :)


8:52am Jul 6 2016

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Posts: 7,283

Omg, hope everything's alright and that you're okay! :o

I just need to wake up and have a coffee and all and then I'll be good to go.

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

9:03am Jul 6 2016 (last edited on 11:06am Jul 13 2016)

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Posts: 1,324

I'm fine, deleted.
Okay! Just edited my character's profile a bit. Just the animals forms changed a bit. 

We're leaning soon, so will be home shortly.


10:48am Jul 6 2016

Normal User

Posts: 7,283

Oh! Gotcha. :c

Awesome. The photos aren't loading on my laptop but I just googled the last one to know how it looks. c:

Okay, if I don't post an introduction now, I will after a work out. 

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

2:52pm Jul 6 2016

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Posts: 7,283

I almost don’t mind not remembering. Ignorance is much more comforting than knowing why there was blood all over me. And whose fault it was. I sniffed and knew immediately it was an animal’s blood on my skin. And I shivered with disgust at knowing I had that knowledge. 

The leaves under me crunch as I roll onto my stomach. My legs ache the most after shifts like these, and I let out a groan as I stretch. The sun just rose probably an hour before, and it shimmered through the branches above me. I squint my eyes and embrace the warmth and quiet of the morning. 

This was my fifth shift. 6 months ago, it began after a fit of pure rage and I didn’t understand. All I knew was that I was afraid of what I was capable of but I needed to better grasp what was happening to me. I have no one to go to so I need to learn and train on my own.

Which means shifting far in the woods in my backyard until I can get a handle on this. 

My lip trembled. I failed. Once again, I had no control. I remembered some things but not everything. I remember shifting, I remember walking, seeing from a different height, feeling my paws on the forest ground. Feeling… exhilarated. Hungry. I remember thinking that I might win this time, that I might know how to control myself. And then - nothing. And then, I woke up bloody. 

With a sick feeling in my gut and shaking hands, I stand up and walk to my bag. I made sure to bring with me clean clothes and toiletries so I didn’t have to go back home and smile at my dad, and wish him good morning, and tell him I was doing great. I wipe my hands on my thighs and rummage through the bag for a water bottle, soap, and rags. 

This is only the fifth time I’ve explored this new part of me. And it always feels the same when I get back to human form. A nagging itch on my back I can’t reach. A lump in my throat I can’t swallow. Shame that makes me feel exposed.

I involuntarily sob as I take off my shirt, and clean myself as best I can. I put on a clean bra and shirt and repeat the cycle for my legs. Then I put on new, clean shoes. 

Falling to my knees, I bury my face with my hands, the curiosity and guilt turning my stomach. “I can’t… I can’t do this…” I cry, frustratingly pulling at my hair that has dirt clumping it together. I grabbed another water bottle, drenched my hair, and brushed out the dirt. 

I stand up, pick up my bag, and pull my hair up into a bun. My bangs and baby hairs circle around my face. My breaths still sound like whimpers when I walk out of the woods that leads to my back yard.

I have a special hiding place in the woodsy area of my backyard for times like this. By a massive fallen tree was a hole I dug in my hyena-form, camouflaged by the branches and leaves. Leaning on the fallen tree was my school backpack. 

I throw the bag of dirty clothes in the hole, intending to take care of it later. I pick up the other backpack and walk to my yard. After jumping over the short fence, I walk in a daze on the path to school, preparing myself to put on a face and pretend I wasn’t facing a dangerous battle on my own. 



I preferred my owl form to my snake form. There was something too vulnerable about slithering with no wings to fly away, if needed. Plus, I liked being in the air, flying, experiencing the world in such a free way, not as prey. I perched on a branch close by my school building and watched the sunrise.

Both of my parents are shifters. I was raised with a good foundation on how to control and train my abilities and I spend a lot of time doing the exact opposite of what I was taught. They avoid shifting whenever possible, and they tell me to do the same. They probably can’t even remember the last time they changed form. They see danger in themselves, when I see something magnificent and worth exploring. 

I wasn’t like that, though. I didn’t want to blend in with the world. I didn’t want to pretend I didn’t have a gift, or be afraid. There’s no point in that. I didn’t want to be so strict. There is freedom in seeing the world in a different way, as long as I’m careful, why not enjoy it? But my search for freedom only pushes them to train me and teach me and smother me with more rules. 

I shifted to my human form and swung my legs back and forth. I whistled a tune as the first couple cars drove up and into the school parking lot. I looked down at the ground below me and jumped off the branch with a not-so-graceful crash landing. 

“Ouch!” I cursed and rubbed my ankle. I stood up and shook my foot to ease the thumping pain. With a limp, I picked up my backpack and walked towards the school doors, giving a head nod to familiar faces as I passed by. 

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12:04pm Jul 9 2016 (last edited on 12:05pm Jul 9 2016)

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Posts: 1,324

Hi CH! Please let me be excused from this role play. I'm on holiday, no wifi so I have data. 
I could reply, but yours is so nice and I would love to write a good one back. I don't want to start with a quick, rushed intro.

I hope you understand!

EDIT: Updated bio pictures.


12:33pm Jul 9 2016

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Posts: 7,283

Excused completely or just until the holiday is done? If it's the latter, take your time, no rush! Either way, have fun on vacation!

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2:39pm Jul 9 2016

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Posts: 1,324
Just until my holiday is done. Will be home Sunday, 17th. I'm not sure when I'll be able to reply. Hopefully that Sunday, otherwise Monday.


8:49pm Jul 27 2016

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Posts: 7,283

Bump :)

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

10:56pm Jul 27 2016

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Posts: 1,324

I'm so sorry! I've just been so busy with school and forgot about this. I have no excuse for this actually. 

I will write as soon as I get home. :)


1:02pm Jul 28 2016

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Posts: 1,324

Hi CH. 
Please excuse me today, I've just gotten home from my school sport and have to go to the hospital. I'll only be home late tonight, so will reply tomorrow.

I promise I'm usually not like these.


1:30pm Jul 28 2016

Normal User

Posts: 7,283
No worries, take as long as you need. I don't mind having a rp that's laid back. No stress. Hope school chills out some. :(

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

2:12pm Jul 28 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
Thank you so much. Will try get an intro up tomorrow. :)


2:26pm Jul 31 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
I'm so sorry. I meant to do an intro, but I've had so much homework to do. I promise I'm usually not like this.
I have an intro sitting on my computer, will post it tomorrow.


9:40am Aug 3 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
Right, I'm so sorry for this! Here we go.


I hopped through the forest, deer were common in the forest behind out house. I had been a shapeshifter my whole life, slowly exploring my forms. My small hooves crunched on the leaves as I slowed to a walk. Shifting back to my human form, I checked the time on my phone. 7:45. I was a little late.

I heard a growl behind me and turned around, "Asher." I hissed into the bushes. A tiger bounded out the bushes, knocking me over and we tumbled down a bank. I gripped onto a tree root, gripping on so I wouldn't fall into the river. 

Asher stalked towards me, "Come on Asher, it's the first day back to school." I hissed out. He just growled at me, I shifted into my tiger form and hopped onto him. Easily pinning him to the ground. 

I let him go as he struggled for a bit, I walked off before running through the forest to get to school in time. Asher soon caught up, running alongside me. At the edge of the forest, we stopped and shifted.


I smiled softly at Haley, pulling the leaves out her loose brown hair. She did the same and we dusted each other off. I offered a small smile as she put her hair in a ponytail. "No Asher." she said, rolling her eyes. 

I chuckled, it was our first day at the new school after getting expelled. We glanced at the parking lot, watching the teenagers for a bit. Looking at what they were wearing, Haley was wearing her usual.

Just some light skinny jeans, her favourite boots and a shirt. "You look nice." I said, wiggling my eyebrows. She laughed, "Sure, sure." she said, "So do you." I glanced at my jeans, sweatshirt and shoes. "Sure." I said, drawing it out.

"You got a jersey?" I asked, "Nah." she said, looking towards to school. Eager to get going. I took of mine and handed it to her, "Thanks." she said smiling. We crossed the road and headed into the school as the bell rang.

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