
August 8, 2018 - Miscellaneous Updates
Multiple Creatu Transfers
calico adolescentalbino babylemon adult
Due to popular request, we have added a page where you can now transfer multiple Creatu to a single user at the same time. This should cut down on time when a rancher is sending all 3 hatched Creatu if a user has bought hatches, or just sending multiple Creatu for any other reason.
You can find this page by clicking here or we will update this news post shortly when we have added a location to find this feature.
Rancher Shop Update
indigo adultblack adultlemon baby
Rancher Shops now show 30 Creatu when updating stock, and 30 Creatu per page when looking at another users shop to purchase a Creatu. This should make it easier to price your stock or find a specific Creatu in another users shop.

Comments: 12

Sly - August 12, 2018
Thank you for this oml
prinxess - August 9, 2018
excellent quality of life change
EbonRabbit - August 9, 2018
Sweet! This is incredibly helpful, especially with my sea of baby pets I have to sort through.
SongbirdX - August 9, 2018
Nice. This'll be really useful.
Albion - August 9, 2018
Juke - August 8, 2018
GOOD STUFF Also seconding Ori's suggestion! Just a "Send More?" or something link :0
Oriette - August 8, 2018
Also a suggestion for where to put the "send multiple pets" link - perhaps under the "Want to gift this pet?" input box on the pet pop-up, since that's what we're accustomed to clicking on to send pets anyway? :o Like under the "send item" button.. Which should prolly say "send pet" now that I'm looking at it. (:
Kalati - August 8, 2018
Neat! It was always a pain in the butt to borrow creatu during the stardust events so I'm glad it's easier! ^^
AriaKaye1 - August 8, 2018
Halloween - August 8, 2018
Setzer - August 8, 2018
Nice work guys :D
Oriette - August 8, 2018
OH HECK YES. Nice work!