
April 8, 2014 - Spring has Returned!
Spring has Returned!

It seems the snow is melting and fresh life isn't just underneath, it's in the air and floating in the water! It's almost as if the planets themselves are shaking free from winter's icy grip....

Have you noticed the signs of Spring's return?

It seems there may be even more out there....

Those with extensive knowledge of Rescreatu's plant life insist these young plants are quite useful... It couldn't hurt to hold onto them for a while, right?

Comments: 33

Catsmaid - April 16, 2014
so far i have been hit in the head by 5 of these!!!;D
octopusbaby - April 15, 2014
Theres always an egg hunt, it will be soon. Staff have a lot of coding and whatnot to do now. In time itll be here lol
Lunasparkle - April 15, 2014
So, I wonder at what point the purpose of all these seeds will be revealed? I hope they do more than say attract gondras. I hope it has something to do with prizes or dye colors or something cool like that. I also wonder if anything is going to start happening with easter like an egg hunt or something. Easter is in a week and I've noticed the egg hunt feature isn't active. Just curious.
mercedes9696 - April 13, 2014
Hmmmmmm... interesting.
Dragonhatcher - April 11, 2014
Ok, just searched the item database and found the plants from where the seeds came from. The snap gondra plant attracts gondras it said in the description. Hmmmmmm.... I think the seeds can be grown into plants in a new feature possibly.
Oriette - April 11, 2014
Sorry guys, this one is a mystery. ;) Good luck hunting for them!
Halloween - April 10, 2014
How long does this last? just curious,to know,if i gotta hurry or not.
yummycakez36 - April 10, 2014
That would be COOL!
Dragonhatcher - April 10, 2014
I think these are each creates favourite food tree seeds and when planted attract the creatu! (Just a guess)
Setzer - April 9, 2014
I think the point of this update is to leave us guessing Luna. We'll find out soon enough~ ^^
pandanalina - April 9, 2014
Huh?? What are they for...?
Lunasparkle - April 9, 2014
I don't get what all these seed things are for? What do they do? What is the point of collecting all these seeds? I already have some of everything, but they don't really seem to have a purpose. Will they have a purpose or do something later?
thehippi - April 9, 2014
Octo, as far as i can tell no not all have been issued out yet. There were supposed to be a forum avatar issued out and and something else for participating and the avatar is not in avatar list.
octopusbaby - April 9, 2014
Thehippi, im pretty sure theyve all been released
Thowra - April 9, 2014
Oooooh I get it these are named after creatu /slow/
RainofStars - April 8, 2014
Beautiful items!
yummycakez36 - April 8, 2014
Then again another Chryshaefu Pod -___-
yummycakez36 - April 8, 2014
LOL me too!! I just got hit in the head with an Orchsearo Seedling -_-
thehippi - April 8, 2014
not trying to complain, it's nice for the updates and all, but heck some of the christmas / winter prizes still not have been released yet. ???
Halloween - April 8, 2014
I am still waiting for the V'day stuffs. I could have helped out, but im glad you didnt forget about it. Oooooooo.. plants, my fave is the beans!! so cool looking. I hopes we can put thoes in our gallery. ^.--
Dead - April 8, 2014
ooo im excited i hope theres some new clothing to get out of this
yummycakez36 - April 8, 2014
Is the flower going to be used for the Botanist Quest?
Eiji - April 8, 2014
Ah, I guess they are. xD I just got hit in the head with one LOL.
Eiji - April 8, 2014
This looks really awesome! ^^ Do you find the seeds randomly?
Oriette - April 8, 2014
Jacethebass02 - It's a bit of a mystery, you'll have to explore and see if you notice anything out of the ordinary. =) They seem to just be seeds, but who knows, maybe they will have some use at some point... Yummycakez36 - No, those were the April Fools items. This is something different. =)
mythies123 - April 8, 2014
A plant/spring effect!!!!
yummycakez36 - April 8, 2014
Are the weird bean-things the not natural jelly-beans you guys were talking about?
ZiggyStardust - April 8, 2014
I'm confused with this update, can someone enlighten me?
Oriette - April 8, 2014
Dragonhatcher - Soon! =) Nothing has been forgotten. It took a bit more time to finalize than expected. Thank you for your patience, we have some great things in store for you guys. Your concerns and ideas have not gone unheard!
PreviousBlue - April 8, 2014
Setzer - April 8, 2014
Yay! Interesting seed-things. :D
Dragonhatcher - April 8, 2014
What about the valentine contest?
Mars - April 8, 2014