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Art by Kizzy, Lut and Makah.

Life is more than breath, than growth, than sustenance. It is not just things that move, things that hear, or things that see.

Life is standing, Life is walking, Life is running. Life is the wind in your hair and the asphalt burning under your feet. Life is being breathless from laughing, Life is happiness. Life is sitting with your best friend in a parking lot at 2am. Life is her fingers on your skin, or yours on hers, or both. Life is freedom. Life is love. Life is the Good.

But Life is lying in your bed and feeling like a stone, Life is sleeping, Life is exhaustion. Life is many, many sighs. Life is having a fever and doctors and medicine. Life is bleeding and Life is pain. Life is tears, Life is seeing Life come to an end. Life is dying, even. Life is the Bad.

And Life is the bad oranges in the most expensive fruit basket. Life is the stain on your favourite shirt. Life is the greed that comes with power. Life is the lust that comes with desire. Life is the complacency that comes with success, Life is the Bad in the Good.

Life is also getting injured but healing fully. Life is getting back up after falling down. Life is learning lessons from the harsh berating of your parents. Life is letting go of things that are gone. Life is learning to embrace your flaws, and Life is learning to love yourself to make up for the love you won't get. Life is the Good in the Bad.

And in all its forms, the core of Life is balance. It is harmony and peace, and having just enough of everything.

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