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Holy Princess

It’s hard to be a god, or seen as one
My family has always been, as long as written word
Can tell, we have been the ones that ruled
Over half the known world
Anything I ask, I get, all I have to do is smile
Or laugh and they all jump to do my bidding, well
Almost all of them
I am free in ways that they are not
My chains are made of gold and gossamer spiders webs
Yet they hold as heavy as ever iron could
I love, yet that is the one thing
They would deny me, my purpose is
To one day make more gods, a heavens worth
Of stars, but only with the partner that is decreed for me
Never the one in my heart, never my beloved
My protector only, never to be my protected
But if I am truly a goddess?
Then worlds will shake
Prophecies unmake
Before I will give him up!

-- By Tiberius